Prayer/Salah 2nd Pillar of Islam

"Prayer retains from indecency and evil. And remembrance of God is the greates thing in life. And God knows the deeds that you do."

[The Holy Quran Surah Al-Ankabut, Chapter 29 and Verse 45]
Every Muslim say, and knows in his heart that prayer is the "Pillar of Religion." It has become the line which divides Islam from non-Islam. Islam has not only thus described it, but has made it pillar of the faith, because of its exalted position, its supream value and its great importance to God and His Prophet.

Prayer-2nd Pillar of Islam

What is Prayer?
Prayer:Brief Introduction
Islamic Prayers and How to do Them
Praying Correctly
The Prescribed Prayer MAde Simple by Tajuddin B. Shu`aib
A Description of How the Prophet Made Wudoo by Fahd ibn Abdir ash-Shuwaib
The Prophet's Prayer from the Begining to the End as Though You See It. by Shaikh Muhammad Naasir-ud-Deen Al-Albaani
Prayer in Congression
Janaza Prayers by MSA-National
Eid Prayers by MSA-National
Guidelines for Friday Sermon
Khushoo in the Prayer
Errors in Prayers that must be Avoided
Mending the Rift: Guidelines to help you observe Fajr Praye
Prayer Times for Around the Country
Hijra Date Converter
Qibla in North America By Waheed Younis
Direction for Kabah-The mathematical Basis(From Anywhere

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