
"By the star when it sets, Your companion (Mumammad) is neither in error, nor is he deceived, Nor does he speak out of his caprice, This is no other than inspired revelation."

[The Holy Quran Surah An-Najm, Chapter 53 and Verses 1-4]
The Arabic word Hadith(pl. Ahadith) is a narration from the life of the Prophet(P.B.U.H) and what he approved-as opposed to his life itself, which is the Sunnah. According to Muhaddithiin(Scholars of Hadith] it stand for 'what was transmitted on the authority of the Prophet, his deeds, saying, tacit approval, or description of his siffat(fatures) meaning his physical appearance. Thus Hadith literature means the literature of which consists of the narrations of the life of the Prophet and the things approved by him. However term was used sometimes in much broader sense to cover the narrations about the Companions[of the Prophet] and Successors[to the Companions] as well. The exposition of Islam in the 7th and 8th centuries confronted Islamic Scholars with a daunting task to preserve the knowledge of the Sunnah of the Prophet. Hence the science of hadith evaluation was born.

Collections of hadiths

Search all collection of Hadiths
Sahih Bukhari Hadith Database-On-line text seach for hadiths
Sahih Muslim
Sunah Abu Dawud
Muwatta Malik
An-Nawawi's Forty Hadiths
Forty Hadith Quadsi
Some Miscellaneous Hadiths

The Science of Hadith

Using the Aahaad Hadith in Issues of Aqeedah
An Introduction to Science of Hadith
A Brief Introduction to the Classification of Hadith
Hadiths:Rules for Acceptance and Transmission

Da'eef/Fabricated hadiths in:

The Lawful and the Prophibited in Islam
Signs Before the Day of Judgement by Ibn Kathir
Signs Before the Day of Judgement by Gharm-Allah El-Ghamdy
A Most Anti-Female Hadith found to be fabricated
Obligation to Verify Hadith by Akram Y Safadi

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