Abusing the Word Islam

"They think to deceive Allah and the belivers, but they deceive no one except themselves, though they realise it not."

[The Holy Quran Surah Al-Baqara, Chapter 2 and Verse 9]
The pretenders have an external appearence of the Muslims. Very cleverly and smartly they adore such attire as to look just like the Muslims. They also claim to be the well-wisher and supporter of the casue of Islam. They are very active in their Muslim congregations and are in the forfront in proposing resolutions and delivering eloquent speeches to the Muslims audience. They in reality are the apostle of pretence and deceit.

What is NOT Islam

Comparision Between Islan and Nation of Islam
A Brief History of the Agakhans
The Ahmadiyya/Qadiani Movement
Complete articles on What is Not Islam
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