About the Author

About The Author

Well you asked for it. Here is everything you don't need to know about me.
Updated: 1 Nov 1997 .......... You are visitor number

A picture of the author holding his instrument. As you can see, it's larger than average.

Where am I from: I was born and raised in New Jersey. Contrary to popular belief, this had no impact on my future development or genetic material.

Where am I now: I currently live in New Hampshire, because it's a personal rule of mine that I live in a state beginning with the word new. My house is up on a ridge and looks out onto the White Mountains. I call it "The House That Is Up On A Ridge And Looks Out Onto The White Mountains."

What do I do: I am the Vice President of Operations for a medical device company making software for surgeons that creates 3D patient specific models from 2D scan data and provides a virtual environment for them to perform minimally invasive surgical procedures instead of open procedures for treating and repairing such conditions as abdominal aortic aneurysms and tumors in solid abdominal organs. (Take a deep mental breath after that one.) I am not a computer programmer by trade, but I do some programming for test purposes and, of course, to provide you with these wonderful web pages.

Religious persuasion: Post-modern Zen nihilism. Reformed.

Political leanings: To the left of right. Except on weekends, when I'm to the right of left.

What are my interests: I am very much into music, from Mozart to The Cranberries. I play a number of musical instruments, most badly. My primary instrument is the guitar, both acoustic and electric. My current favorite acoustic guitar is my Taylor 815C (See photo above). For those of you savvy enough to be jealous, good. My favorite electric in my Ovation UK2. Try to find one today. I write songs and perform in small venues when I have the opportunity and the time. The quality of my music and my voice is one of the reasons I was asked to leave New Jersey. I also fish, hike, camp, cook, ski, weight lift for fun and profit and generally try to deal with the little absurdities that life has a habit of placing in my path. I have traveled quite a bit on business and like Europe a lot because Europeans have perfected the attitudinal art of "I don't give a damn what you do, because my culture has been around a lot longer and, since I am so much superior, I am supposed to tolerate odd individuals like yourself." Hey, whatever works. As should be painfully obvious by now, I also like to collect odd bits and pieces of information, distort them, and spew them back out at an unsuspecting world.

A shot of my old band, The Remainders, playing a club in New Jersey called Our Gang. I won't tell you when.

Current favorite pastime: Working on these web pages. The subliminal messages are the hard part.

What I like to read: Sci-Fi. Been reading it since I was about 7. Definitely impacted me heavily. It's the reason I chose the sciences as a career path. Favorite authors include Harlan Ellison and Samuel R. Delaney. Read Ellison's "A Boy and His Dog" when I was 11. Read it and you'll know why I'm still single. I also like to read science and history related books.

What I like to write: Songs. If you've got a stong stomach or a high pain threshhold, click on Lyrics at the bottom of this page to read the outpouring of my soul. (Gag.)

Favorite Artists: Van Gogh and Monet. Because they're dead.

Favorite Pets: Dogs and cats. Especially with peanut sauce. Probably my favorite pets of all were my tarantulas, Harlan and Ellison. The tarantula is the perfect pet. It doesn't make any noise, it doesn't have to be taken for walks, it doesn't make a mess and it will scare the living shit out of family, friends, neighbors and burglars. Downside: if it bites you, you die.

Current Pets: The bees, who live in my beehive out back. Nothing like having 60,000 girlfriends.

Favorite Star Trek Character: Whatever guy in a red shirt beams down to the planet with Kirk. They never make it to the first commercial.

Other projects: I'm putting together a digital recording studio. Eventually, I'll be able to put up a few of my songs on the net for you poor, unsuspecting people to hear. I'm also writing a book, primarily for my family and friends, titled "Why I'm Not Married." It's multi-volume. What they don't realize is that they are all in the book. A lot. There's a separate volume subtitled "Children."

Personal Goal: To find the meaning of life and patent it.

Vital Statistics:

NameBill Son of Al
AgePhysical: Approx. 33,333 Jupiterian days Mental: Indeterminate
Height6' 0"
Weight185 lbs.
HairYes (Thank you, God)
Marital StatusSingle (I'm sure you're surprised.)
Sexual PreferenceStraight (Women just have certain qualities. Preferably big ones.)
EducationBS Marine Science, MA Biology, MBA Management
AppearanceDevilishly good looking (Especially if you drink a lot)
Best FeatureMy warmth and charm

Well, that's about all I can stand. If you made it this far, GET A LIFE.

Alright, because you've been good, here's one more shot. Here I am with my mom and dad, two very cool people. Mom's on the left. Yours, not mine.

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