Domain Of The Insane
Welcome to the

Domain Of The Insane

"Each moment that passes changes us."

Please note, this page is permanently under construction. It is the nature of things. No apologies given. At least I didn't use one of those cute construction images.

What does the title of this page mean? Absolutely nothing. I just like the way it sounds. However, if you hang out here long enough, you may feel differently.

Last Updated: 15 May 97 Even more minor tweaks. Still just as useless. Big change a coming. Eventually.

You are visitor number Feel proud.

Thanks for all the cards and letters regarding ideas for this domain. Your input into the development of these pages helps to make them more interesting. I'm happy to work from your suggestions, provided they agree with my own, singular view of Life, the Universe and Everything. Except for additions to the links below, most changes will be found at ROU2I.

Who Are We And Why Are We Here?

I don't know who you are, but you're probably here because you exhibit the age-old human need to acquire information, to learn and understand. To seek out new life and new civilizations, etc., etc. That's why we all explore the web. To feed that need I have established this page. I am a collector and disseminator of information, mostly useless, some interesting. In other words I'm into trivia. Of all types. Science,history, sex, you name it. Here, and in The Repository of Useful and Useless Information, I provide information in these areas and more, both directly and via links. My goal is to (hopefully) entertain you and (possibly) enlighten you. If you want to send me additional trivia, please do. I give credit where credit is due. If you have a question about something that could only be described as trivial, send it to me. If you ask nicely, I'll try to find the answer. If you wish to challenge some of my information, tough. It's my page.
Brevis esse laboro obscuro fio.

Below you will find an eclectic collection (I like the way that sounds) of links to a variety of interesting sites. Happy reading and happy traveling.

These pages were built using Arachnophilia , a great 'CareWare' HTML Editor. Download it, hug a child, it's yours.

You can send me e-mail by clicking here.

I won't reply, but you can send it anyway. (Alright, maybe I will.)

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