Inquiry Letter

Here is a copy of the letter I mailed to the Jerominski families around the country:

Dear fellow Jerominski,

I am sending this letter to the 18 Jerominskis that were listed in the 1996 phone books of the United States in hopes of gathering additional information on the Jerominski name. A reply to this letter would be most welcome. Please note that the letterhead contains a picture of the Jerominski Crest and the recorded Blazon of Arms that I obtained some time ago. I have not been able to verified that it is authentic or that it has any connection to my family or any other family. Any information on this would be appreciated. I have started to research my ancestry and found that my Father, Walter John Jerominski, came to the U.S with his widowed mother in 1902. My father was an only child. I have no information on my father's father except that he died in the old country around 1898.

The maiden name of my father's mother was Josefa Flouba(sp) She was born in the town of Groduo, Russia around 1877. I have no information on when my father's parents were married or where they lived. I do know that my father and his mother left the town of Stelmachown (sp), Russia to travel to Antwerp, Austria, were they boarded the ship S.S. Friesland on November 2, 1902 and arrived in New York on November 11, 1902. She resided with her brother, Kazimier (sp) Flouba (sp), at 714 Courtlett (sp) Street, Wilmington Delaware.

My father's mother married Seamon Terradosief around 1903 and lived at 726 East 6th Street, in Wilmington, Delaware according to the 1910 census. Seamon Terradosief's application for naturalization in 1908 indicated he was changing his name to Samuel Teodozow. The 1920 Census listed Samuel and Josephine Teodozow, my father Walter J., a step sister Mary, and three step brothers, Stanley, Edward, and Earnest, living at 810 Kirkwood street, in Wilmington, Delaware. My family includes wife Kathryn (Reese), Son Philip in West Virginia, Son Craig and Daughter Nancy in Seattle, Washington, Daughters Kathy Blair in Melbourne, Florida and Marjorie Fritsche in Cocoa Beach, Florida, and Son Larry in Woodbridge, Virginia. In addition we have 13 grandchildren and one great granddaughter.

Please respond --

Walt and Kathryn
May 20,1996

The Walter Earnest Jerominski Family
3170 North Atlantic Avenue #114
Cocoa Beach, Florida 32931
