Jerominski Home Page

Welcome to the JEROMINSKI Home Page!

(Sponsored by Walter, Kathryn and Family)

This is the lid to our family jewelry box hand carved by Walter Earnest Jerominski, in his favorite wood - Walnut. He came by wood carving skills easily - his father was a patternmaker from the old school. The lid is a reminder of family information from the beginning to our current status of six children, thirteen grandchildren, and three great-granddaughters.

The objective of this home page is to exchange information about the Jerominski names from all over the World. There are a total of 18 Jerominski surnames listed in the United States telephone directories (outside of our family) and none listed in any of the International Directories. So please feel free to browse here and submit any comments or information. Just click on any of the following buttons to see what information we have gathered so far -- Click any of the names and graphics on the jewel box to be transported to their corresponding pages, or you may click the links below.


| Inquiry Letter to U.S. Jerominskis | Family Coat of Arms | Dad's Wedding Picture |

| The Gang at Marge's Wedding | The Jerominski Family Tree | Walter & Kathryn's Wedding Picture |

| Walter's Story | Kathryn's Story | Craig's Story | Kathy's Story |

| Larry's Story | Marjorie's Story | Nancy's Story | Phil's Story |

Modified August 29, 1997 by: (Walter E. Jerominski)