Eykenbosch Library

Pardon the disorganization here, but Huis Eykenbosch has not been well cared for in the past, and I am still trying to tidy the place up. The library is still being brought back up from the cellar, and you may find that some of the books have been damaged during their storage.

Most of the titles are in Dutch, and I suspect that's probably not a language you're familiar with. However, I've always found that Dutch isn't too far off from English on most counts, and it can be fun to guess at the meanings. If you need more help, we've started to catalog the titles and provide a rough translation into English, since most guests will understand that language.

If you need any assistance, just ring the bell and someone will come in to help you.

Bibliographia Neerlandica -- This is my own annotated bibliography of sources for Dutch studies, especially for Medieval and Renaissance topics. The Bibliographia is organized by subject.


Vlaanderen Nederlands (the Dutch Language) Onomastica Neerlandica (Dutch Naming Practices) Heraldry Dutch & Flemish Artists Other Famous Dutchmen Culture Musik Organizations and Businesses Miscellany

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