Frank H Ryder resume

Frank H. Ryder

Senior Member Institute of Industrial Engineers


35 Sheffield Ct.
Fredericton N.B.
E3B 4M9
Tel (506)455-7096


Organizational Systems Performance Management,

The process by which organizational system performance is improved, using documented state of the art technique, and

Internal Audit

Financial audit, and Operational audit

Corporate and Business Planning,

The development of business plans, and corporate planning, including the use of computer simulation of financial statements, and total factor productivity analysis.

Engineering Economics,

The economic analysis of alternatives using classical analytical technique as well as production modelling using computer simulation techniques.

Power Systems Engineering

The steady state, dynamic and transient analysis of electric power systems and of machinery and control systems connected thereto.

Electric Power System Planning

The analysis of electric power system load requirements, the definition of development scenarios using both classical and state of the art technique, lifetime cost analysis and the analysis of impact on revenue requirements and rate design.


University of New Brunswick, Fredericton N.B., B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering,1958
General Electric Company, Schenectady N.Y., Certificate in Power Systems Engineering, 1963
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton N.B., M.Eng. in Electrical Engineering, 1970
University of New Brunswick, Fredericton N.B., Small Computer Systems,1978
Massachusetts Institute of Technology , Cambridge MA,
Decision Support Systems; Management of End User Computing, 1984
Business Week, New York, NY, Business Planning, 1985
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge MA,
Corporate and Economic Policy Design; System Dynamics, 1986
Institute of Industrial Engineers, Atlanta GA / Virginia Polytechnic Institute, Blacksburg VA,
Total Quality and Productivity Management, 1989


With New Brunswick Power,

as Director, Internal Audit and Corporate Quality Assurance he refocussed internal audit as a comprehensive audit service, administered a CSA CAN3-N286 corporate quality assurance function and developed a state of the art Performance Management, operational audit function serving the entire company.

as Director, Corporate Economic Studies he was responsible for defining the structure for economic and financial analysis, for financial forecasting, for Operating and Capital budgets, and for designing and implementing a Responsibility Centre accounting system.

He served as a member of the Canadian Electrical Association's Technical Committee on Performance Evaluation from 1984 to 1992 where he contributed to the development of the CEA Total Factor Productivity Model. He prepared an annual report defining N.B.Power's relative comparison to the composite of the 14 Canadian electric utilities and documented N.B.Power's accomplishments in Organizational System Performance Management.

He conducted a forensic audit of accounting records leading to the restatement of the 1975 financial report; prepared a computer simulation of those records over project lifetime to clearly demonstrate the effect of the then policy, and GAAP, and defended this analysis before Canadian and U.S credit rating agencies, and before the U.S.Securities and Exchange Commission

as Executive Director, Nuclear Power Program, from concept in 1973 till construction licence in 1976, he was responsible for engineering studies, multidisciplinary environmental assessments and public relations.

as Director, High Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) Project he was responsible for the design and construction of the world's first large HVDC facility to utilize thryristor technology.

as Director of Planning he was responsible for the planning and systems engineering to grow a $1.5 billion electric utility to a $3 billion company, of particular significance were the following two projects:

He served as a member of the Technical Advisory Committee for the Hydro Quebec Research Institute from 1976 till 1983.


1. The Daily Gleaner, Fredericton NB CANADA May 9, 1997, Page 5 Commentary N.B.Power is Model for Economic Development
2. Utility and Energy Industries Conference (IIE,AGA,EEI), St Petersburg Beach, FL, February 1995 Hands on Experience with the Performance Improvement Process
3. Canadian Electrical Association St.Andrews N.B., September 1992, Identification of Leverage Points for the Improvement of Organizational System Performance
4. Engineering Management Journal, London England, August 1992, The Continuous Improvement of Organizational System Performance
5. Simon & Schuster-Bureau of Business Practice, August 1992, Employee Involvement in a Performance Improvement Process
6. Industrial Engineering Magazine, Atlanta GA, July 1991, Improving the Performance of the Performance Improvement Process
7. Canadian Electrical Association, Banff Alberta, June 1988, Applied Productivity, The Strategy and Techniques of Managing Performance and Productivity at New Brunswick Power
8. The Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, New Brunswick Section, January 1988, System Dynamics and the development of Corporate, Economic and Social Policy
9. Canadian Electrical Association, Toronto Ontario, Jun. 1977, New Dimensions in Economic Comparison of Electric Generation Alternatives - An early attempt at multiattribute evaluation
10. Canadian Electrical Association, Vancouver B.C., Mar. 1975, Point Lepreau Generating Station Site Selection
11. CIGRE, Paris France, Aug. 1974, The influence of the Eel River HVDC Convertor Station on the design of future HVDC Terminals
12. The Institution of Electrical Engineers, London England, Nov. 1973, Conference on High Voltage DC and/or AC Power Transmission, Performance of the Eel River HVDC Scheme, CP 107 page 129
13. CIGRE, Paris France, Aug. 1972, System Design Considerations of the Eel River HVDC Convertor Station
14. Electrical World, New York NY, Oct. 1970, Construction of Eel River HVDC
15. American Power Conference, Chicago IL, Apr. 1970, The NBEPC Solid State HVDC Asynchronous Tie Installation Proceedings Page 866

©F.H.Ryder Nov 19, 1996