What are you going to find here?
Well, this is a collection of my interests from professional to hobbies, with links to all the stuff I've got spread over the internet. The theme of this page is "Pushing the envelope"
Served for the past 13 years on the board of directors of Capital Credit Union Ltd, currently as president. Learn more about the Credit Union movement in general and Capital Credit Union Ltd in particular.
Certified Hunter education/Firearms Safety Instructor,
level 1 coach and range officer in olympic style pistol shooting,
Black Badge and Range officer qualification in IPSC pistol shooting,
formerly Chairman, Legislation Committee, Shooting Federation of Canada,
currently New Brunswick Provincial President, National Firearms Association.
Learn more about shooting sports and the so called gun control debate.
Interests 3
Pushing the envelope in Amateur Radio: TCP/IP and the Internet.
First licensed as a radio amateur, VE1AIL in 1961,erected the first
FM voice repeater in Fredericton, VE1GT, 34/94, in 1972,
and the first autopatch east of Montreal in 1973,
erected an AX25 packet radio repeater VE1TWO in 1991
Learn more about the Fredericton Radio Amateur Packet (FRAP) Working Group
and the TCP/IP network and Internet Gateway we're developing.
Interests 4
Pushing the envelope in politics: pushing for reform of the political system.
This interest flows from Interest 2. When you find yourself the object
of shallow minded, politically motivated attacks you tend to find a political organization
that can be brought around to your way of thinking. In Canada that is the Canadian Alliance.
Learn more about this political party and why I support it on more than just one issue.
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