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Counting is the religion of this generation it is its hope and its salvation.

Gertrude Stein (1874-1946), U.S. author. Everybody's Autobiography, ch. 3 (1937).

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First, let me introduce myself. My full name is Gordon B. Thomas (email me here), and I am an independent consultant in the general areas of pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD).

The primary reason for setting up this page is to get acquainted with pharmaceutical scientists and statisticians (perhaps industry-based) who work with relatively large data bases from regulatory type Phase I studies. Why this particular group, you ask. The short answer is:-time pressure usually does not permit industry-based workers to engage in the detailed "mining" of the data in the way an academic scientist can.

In recent years, some Drug Registration Agencies have been increasingly interested in explicating the relationship between the observable plasma concentration-time profiles of CNS-like drugs and concomitant changes in other psycho-physiologic variables. Satisfactory explication of these relationships will require more analysis than the simple pharmacokinetic studies of the past. Hence the PD part of this page.

As I update this page from time to time, I hope to include useful ideas, fearless pronouncements and other generally edifying and uplifting thoughts!

In the meantime,- some work in progress.

And, of course,-

a list of publications and

Thank you for visiting me
