West Park





Internet & teaching

Why West Park?








roger.gif Hi, I'm Roger, and this is my place.

You're welcome to stop by whenever you wish, and by all means drop me a line if you want to chat about anything you've found here.

Mostly, I'm building this site as a way to learn more about html and the web and stuff. I've built it as a sort of private library which reflects my occupation, my interests, my personality, my friendships and my background.

So what's here ...

Mainly, personal stuff, as you might expect on a personal site, but perhaps some of it will interest those of you with similar concerns to my own.

There's some stuff about Whistle-blowing, because it's an interest of mine and I believe that we need more people who have the courage to expose corruption and incompetence - unfortunately, when some brave individual does just that, it is more likely they that will suffer than that the culprit will be brought to account.

Writing's good for the soul, so there's some of mine ... mostly professional but some commentary, letters to the editor, and articles.

Biographical stuff, perhaps a clue as to why I am what I am ... and if you have the same name or think that you may be related in some way, I'd love to hear from you,

and finally,

if you've had comments to make, info to give, or a contribution to make ... perhaps you're here too

This site , because only the best will do, is

R.Hawcroft (C) 1998,1999 All rights reserved