ZERO TOLERANCE of violence against women

of violence against women

The ZERO TOLERANCE campaign has a two-fold objective.


ZERO TOLERANCE was an initiative originated in Edinburgh by Edinburgh District Council in response to a consultation exercise conducted by the Women's Committee when women in Edinburgh identified the issue of safety as a priority.

In response to this the Women's Committee carried out further research in secondary schools in Edinburgh to examine young people's attitudes to violence against women.

The research found that:

In addition the research indicated that exposure to information about violence against women influenced attitudes and made it less acceptable.

The campaign tackles the issue of violence against women and children through raising awareness of domestic violence, child sexual abuse, rape, and sexual assault.



Reducing the present high levels of violence by:

The campaign material has three main objectives:


More information is available from:

Women's and Equal Oportunities Unit,
Aberdeen City Council,
St Nicholas House,
Broad Street,
Aberdeen AB9 1G


This information is reproduced from a leaflet produced by Aberdeen City Council.

Martin Aylett - 25.8.95

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