What is the way of the true warrior?

First: the Klingon empire is motivated by manifest destiny.

Second: it must be understood that no resource in the empire may be left unused.

It follows therefore that klingons are driven to expand into territory at a rate which is determined by the ability to bring the inhabitants and resources of that territory under Klingon rule.

This does not mean that Klingons are required to move into new territories at a rate faster that they may be able to conquer the territories in question.

It follows, therefore, that Klingons must always seek a balance between the ability to develop new resources and the need to expand the frontiers of the empire.

The heart of Klingon experience is to follow that path which will allow for the maximum expansion of the Empire. To do less would be to embrace cowardice, to attempt more would be to embrace foolhardiness. A Klingon does neither.