Last-modified: Tuesday, July 15th, 2003 08:35:14 GMT IWAC's Home Page


Injured Workers' Action Committee - Essex/Kent

Welcome to IWAC's Home Page, this page is intended for the assistance of ALL Injured Workers across Ontario. IWAC - Injured Workers' Action Committee is a NOT-FOR PROFIT organization registered with the Ontario Government.

Our objectives are:

To establish an association of injured workers in Essex and Kent Counties by providing the support and information necessary to improve their quality of life.

Carry on research and investigation into problems connected with injured workers in their communities.

To promote by education the effects of occupational injury and disease on the lives of workers and their families.

Provide workers and their families that have suffered from workplace injuries and diseases, the opportunity to meet and discuss their needs.

To promote and provide meeting opportunities that family members and friends of injured workers can participate in.

To encourage individual injured workers to handle their own cases, through education of the rules and regulations of the "Workers' Compensation Act"

Mission Statement

To assist, support and educate injured workers and community partners through a broad range of services, educational Programs and re-employment initiatives.

President’ Report!
Good news for our community as IWAC applied for funding through IWOS (Injured Workers Outreach Services) and received funding till March 31 2005.
We have worked hard to locate an office accessible to all in our Windsor/Essex/Kent areas. We are located on Notre Dame St. in Belle River We have setup a phone system in the office that will allow all injured workers to contact us free of charge.
If you live in the Essex County or Chatham-Kent regions you can call us by calling (519)728-4412. For those who it is long distance to call Belle River you can call us on the toll free number at 1-866-990-9944. Our fax number is (519)728-4837
It is the goal of IWAC to assist injured workers to educate them so they know their rights as an injured worker and to educate them on knowing what their employers responsibilities are as well. We hope to hold very informative meetings once a month here at our offices.
Also as an injured workers group within the IWOS groups we will be holding training sessions for levels two(2) October of this year. We will give you more information in regards to these training sessions. Please feel free to call us here at the office and if no one is here please leave a message as this office will be staffed on a volunteer basis. If you are interested in helping here at the office feel free to call. Remember this is YOUR group.

Links to other sites on the Web

Ontario- Workplace Safety & Insurance Board
Canadian Injured Workers Alliance
Ontario Network of Injured Workers' Groups
Windsor Occupational Health Information Service
Ontario Federation of Labour

Membership is open to all injured workers, their families and their friends. We are an injured workers' support group and as such are here to offer Interaction, Self-Motivation, Support and Sharing of Knowledge and Experience.

Please feel free to e-mail or call us with your questions and we will answer your concern to the best of our ability. If we can not answer them we have a magnificent injured workers web in Ontario and we will attempt to connect you to the proper Injured Workers' Group in your area or to some one in the IW Web.

IWAC is an affilated member of:

"IWOS - Injured Workers Outreach Services"

"Iwos has been a great partner in the struggle for injured workers in offering training and resources for all our groups. Thank you Carmine and Tom."

Our President is Lucy Bechard - IWAC-Injured Workers' Action Committee-Essex/Kent

© Iwac NOW has an office in Belle River, Ontario. We are located at 562 Notre Dame St., Box 398, Belle River, On. N0R 1A0 (just outside of Windsor)

Tel (519) 728-4412 Fax (519) 728-4837 800 Phone Number – 1-866-990-9944 Internet E-Mail –

Membership meetings every 3rd Tuesday of the month. ALL ARE WELCOME


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