Welcome Scarlett's menu!

This is stuph that relates directly to me. Check it out and you could just learn alot about me... maybe...

Meet the very beautiful Natasha. Jon and I adopt a cat to snuggle and love.

In memory of Aubrey Taylor and the raspberry baby. Read about what happens as Jon and I attempt to be parents with, so far, not very happy endings. :(

Check out the latest on me and my boy on the Page O' Lovin'. Last of the photos have been added! (May '04)

Stuph about me. Bits and pieces about Scarlett and her thoughts. Last update: Feb. '06

Stuph by me. Some of my artwork... currently all fairly traditional, but I will be adding some of my jewelry, home decorating, and crafts soon.

More Stuph by me. A few little graphic offerings. You may use them in your own attempt to have a webpage.

* Passing the Test
A real life story about the Massachusetts Teacher Test. A good read for anyone having to take this test, or any big giant scary test, for that matter.

Meet my friends and family! A must see! (if you must see websites not as fun as mine! *LOL*)