fly on in, my little butterflies... that's right... my, I certianly DO love butterflies...

Could you ask for a more comprehensive and entertaining page? You could, but I wouldn't recomend it.


Non-Crappy Starring You! eCards on JibJab

Sorry, kids... Happy Holidays!

* Ask Tasha has been moved!
Tasha has broken out and got her own URL. Please visit her very own webpage: Natasha's Page Of Wonderful Stuph (what can I say, she takes after her mom!)

* In Memory Of Our Babies
How we dealt with life when reproduction went wrong. In memory of Aubrey Taylor, lost 11-18-03 and raspberry baby, lost 4-8-04. This page last updated: September '05

Click here to see my baby pictures! (21 weeks)

Click here to see my NEW baby pictures! It's a boy!!!(33 weeks)

Click here to see my growing belly!

* On-Line Relationships CAN Work
Amazing but true! Read how my husband and I came together the old fashioned way. In a chat room. The last of the pictures have been added: May '04

* Feature Presentations
Click here to find Star Wars vs. Wizard of Oz, Free Wallpapers, Free Graphics, Meet the Beast, and assorted musings. Last new content added: October '05

* Scarlett's Menu
Check this out if you are intrested in learning a bit more about the life of this crazy lady.

*The Official Doughboy On-Line Album
Come and see my little Doughboy get into all sorts of mischief. New additions as of October '05

*Come and visit my friends and family.
Their pages last updated: Who the heck knows!


lots of crazy folks have seen this page

Don't worry about being perfect because at the same time you never will be, and already are.

Question? Comments? Complaints? Feel free to drop me a line, and let me know!

© 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002, 2004 Kerope


Ask me why "suicide is painless"!

The two butterflies above were drawn by Joe Quarnberg. Thanks hon!

Make the snake the King of England!


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To see some of the places I have gotten grapics from, please click RIGHT HERE ON THESE WORDS I'M TYPING NOW. Some graphics on this page have been custom made by simogene (that's me, you dolt!). Please email before stealing anything. If you would like some grapics that I have made specificly for you to steal, then you can click ON THESE WORDS NOW. Thank you for visiting.