Lenny Barnhead is the pen name for a student of Flagler College in St. Augustine, Florida. Every now and then, Lenny will write a new entry and post it on this page for the general public to read. I hope that you will find more use of this page than he does.
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Entry of the Every Now and Then
Everyone was beaten down tonight. No acts of violence were these beatings. Sensitive beatings are logical on the gameplay sense.
But I'm just writing that because of my lacking to send logical impulses to my hand.
Everyone's gone to sleep on me tonight. And I lay smothered beneath them all.
The price of my luxurious and tattered surroundings put icepicks into my china doll brain and make me feel almost lucky to be stuck below these three snoring carcasses that I call friends.
They are battleship chains and I am naturally in a non-caffeine induced non-slumber. My muscles are strong, but their force is stronger.
"What's the point?" is what I say, well, would say if I wasn't drinking dirt.
The friend chains in slumber are drowning and grounding me.
I need to take up a hobby.
Like basket weaving or legalized crime.
I need something to dig my way back to the surface without having to awake my heavy friends.
Then, in the morning when they wake up, I will show them my basket and sleep on them.
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For a good time, go to the United Republic of Flagler (Coming to a web site near you).
For a better time (without having to wait until next semester), go to Stropharia. It's a gas!
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Revised: 1997-03-18