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This page is lovingly dedicated to a very special group of bizarre individuals -- gathered, nurtured, and hopelessly warped by the undergraduate experience at the University of Dallas, and known unofficially to one another as the UD Weird. Because the members of this, our circle, have begun to enter the world of (horror!) grown-up life...getting married, finding careers, serving time, fleeing the continent...this page is being created in order that they might more easily keep in touch with one another as they scatter to the four winds.

A note to the uninitiated visitor: this page has no official connection with the University of Dallas. The administration of the University has in no way promoted or encouraged the existence or content of this page. The University is, however, entirely responsible for warping the minds of its creators well beyond recognition, rendering our thoughts and words incomprehensible to the general public, and making us damned near incapable of having a successful relationship with anyone not thus indoctrinated. So there.

This page is about to undergo major renovations. Really. I mean it. Just amazing. Okay, Italian-style renovations, perhaps (that's a private joke intended for fellow veteran wanderers of the Italian world - the members of the Italian Anti-Defamation League may all sit down now, thanks very much). The renovations will be finished when the rest of funding comes through. Next month. Maybe. In short, clicking on the book below will get you nowhere. Even more nowhere than you are now. Believe it. Sorry for the inconvenience!

All items to be posted on this page should be sent via email to the UD Weird Webmaster.

Last revised on July 5, 1997