Comics Links
These are various sites having to do with comics, either in general or a particular title or creator. Many of them are found in various places on this website, and are consolidated here. Just as many, maybe more, are found only here for now, though they will eventually be integrated into other pages as well.
General Comics Sites
- Wraithspace Comix
- Hosts the "AAA Ardvark" site below, otherwise devoted mostly to alternative comics
- AAA Ardvark (aka the WraithSpace Comics Index)
- The best all-round comprehensive comics site.
- Jonah Weiland's Comic Book Resources
- Another large general comics site.
- Cerebus the Gopher
- Despite its name, this is not a Cerebus-specific page, but a general comics site that is part of the larger Negative Space.
- Negative Space
- Comics is only one of the interests of the maintainer of this eclectic, interesting site.
- The New Comic Book Releases List Web Site
- New comics released this week, a couple of late comic reports, professionals on the 'net, and more.
- Welcome to the Comic Art & Graffix Gallery Virtual Museum & Encyclopedia
- A very interesting site I really haven't had the time to explore properly.
- The History of Superhero Comic Books!
- Fellow Geocitizen Jaime Coville has done a pretty good job with this.
- The Comic Page - comic book history
- A very superhero-oriented look at comics history from 1896 to (so far) 1982.
- Friends of Lulu Home Page
- An organization devoted to bringing more girls and women to the reading and creation of comics.
- Comics Australia
- Site devoted to Austrailian comics. Some good stuff here.
- Yahoo! - Entertainment:Comics and Animation
- The Yahoo Directory's Comics Links
- Tony's Online Tips
- Tony Isabella, comics writer and columnist for the Comic Buyer's Guide.
- Writing For Comics
- I haven't had time to thoroughly investigate this, but at a cursory glance it looks pretty good. Script mechanics, and some good tips for writing anything.
- Beek's Books
- Todd's site is much prettier than mine, and he has LOTS of full-size reviews, broken down by category and rated for quality. A very interesting site.
- characters
- An attempt at building a database of the first appearance of comics magazine characters.
- The Grand Comic-Book Database Project
- This is an attempt to build something like the famous an popular Internet Movie Database. At the moment, it's still in the building stage, and access to the data is limited to the volunteers helping to build it.
- The Comic Book Home Page
- Thoughts on comics and some recommended reading from a fellow geocitizen.
- Gallery of Comics
- A fellow geocitizen with interesting tastes (Starman, Cerebus and Transformers, among others)
- Small Press Zone - Home of Small Press Comics and Zines
- Despite the fact that it sounds like an online shop selling comics, it's really a fan page devoted to really tiny comics - most of the stuff reviewed here never showed up at your local comic shop, but some of it is pretty good, at least according to Andy Hamerlinck.
Comics Online
- Comic Strips
- Alphabetical list links ALL of the major syndicated comics and a couple dozen web comics. Great site!
- POSTnet Comics Page
- A collection of comic strips from the electronic version of the St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
- AstroNerdBoy's Comic Strips!
- All the comics from the major syndicates below, plus many online-only comics, arranged in alphabetical order. Your one-stop comic strip shop.
- The Comic Strip (r)
- United Media's Syndicated Comics
- King Features Syndicate
- King Features' Syndicated Comics.
- Universal Press Comics
- Universal Press' Syndicated Comics.
- Calvin & Hobbes
- What a neat idea! A daily dose of one of the best comic strips of all time, exactly as it was published 11 years ago today.
- Art Comics
- An online comics site.
- Jim Ottaviani's Comic Art Gallery
- A collection of scans of original comics art from Jim Ottaviani's extensive collection.
- Comic Art Collection Home Page
- Another collection of comic art.
- The Bruno the Bandit Home Page
- An online comic strip by Ian McDonald that I like very much.
- The Green Guys
- They're also selling this in book form, I think, but they've got a several one-page stories on the website.
- WebComics - Your Comics Homepage
- A collection of online comic strips - as in most of them are available only online
- Gallery of Comic Book Covers From The 1940s: Monthly Feature
- Each month a new 1940s comic cover. No archive. Not really an online comic, but it's here.
Commercial Sites
- Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc.
- The online version of Previews is the highlight of this site.
- Thieves & Kings
- The unofficial site's better as a description, but M'Oak's page lets you order T&K stuff.
- 7 Stories Tall - Independent, Self-published Comics
- Seven Self Publishers sharing a co-op website. Includes M'Oak of Thieves & Kings
- Publishers of graphic novels, especially American editions of French and other European works.
- Mile High Comics
- Comic store in Denver, Colo. - one of the biggest & most famous around.
- COMICKAZE Comics,Cards,Video and More
- Website of a store owned by a rac.* regular.
- Welcome to the Comics Journal Web Site!
- Home Page of the magazine.
- Sirius Entertainment "Don't Miss a Trick"
- Official site of Sirius Comics, publishers of Poison Elves and several other formerly self-published books.
- Vertigo Comics
- Division of DC responsible for Sandman, The Invisibles, Preacher, and many other fine comics.
- The Superhighway of Superheroes
- Auction/Consignment site specializing in comic books for sale.
- Independent Comics - Mail Order
- Jeff Mason's online comic book store specializing in small press and alternative comics.
- Indy Magazine
- Jeff Mason's magazine, a smaller, less caustic companion to The Comics Journal
- Alternative Press
- Alternative Press, Jeff Mason's pubishing house, which like Fantagraphics publishes the kind of comics the magazine promotes.
- Library of Comics
- A really good looking online comics store. Haven't tried it yet.
- Twist and Shout Comics Home Page
- Torn about where to put this, as it also has the online comic "Flies in Black"
- THE MASTER LIST of comic & card stores!
- At least one comic shop in my area is not on here, and at least two are closed (one has been for quite a while), but it looks pretty impressive.
Individual Comics & Creators
Alphabetical by Comic Title or Creator, as appropriate
- Astro City Homepage
- An unofficial but quite good site maintained by fan Martin Wisse.
- Batman The Animated Series
- A fan page devoted to the cartoon series. Has a link to my "Mask of the Phantasm" review.
- Official BONE Web Page.
- A basic description of the series so far, character profiles, etc.
- The Eddie Campbell Web Page
- An official page done with Campbell's blessing - you can e-mail him here, too.
- Operation Crazed Ferret
- A semi-official Cerebus site originally set up with Dave's blessing (back when the Web was in its infancy) that includes a scanned version of the Free Cerebus comic Dave did after the first 150 issues to help introduce Cerebus to new readers.
- Gah! (the unofficial Cerebus website)
- A new, unfinished but already very good site. Includes scans of covers of each issue and quotes, will eventually have character profiles and other fun stuff.
- Cerebus the Aardvark
- A page about Cerebus from a fellow Geocitizen.
- Melvinbone's Cerebus Page (Version 3.0)
- Another fellow Geocitizen's Cerebus page.
- Dino's Café
- Steve Rolston maintains this page devoted to Melmoth, Book Six of the Cerebus saga.
- Cerebus Rex
- Contains an index and summary of the first 150 or so issues..
- a page from Cerebus
- This is from Jim Ottaviani's Comic Art Gallery
- The Wharton Journal Online : Mon, Dec 11, 1995 : Comic Review: Cerebus: 200 out of 300 -- (200K graphics)
- Review of Cerebus from The Wharton Journal with two full page reproductions.
- Darklight
- Page devoted to the upcoming series by Wandering Star creator Teri S. Wood
- The Desert Peach Annotations
- A complete list of annotations for The Desert Peach
- The Desert Peach FAQ
- A list of Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) about The Desert Peach.
- From Hell Web Page
- One of several
- Garth Ennis Fan Page
- From the same folks who did Scripta Mira, the Grant Morrison page (I think)
- Galaxion
- A very, very good promotional page for a very, very good comic book. Visit. Read. Buy.
- Gerber's Alarming World
- Steve Gerber's website.
- HepPage
- Denise Voskuil deserves a medal for creating and maintaining this official Hepcats website
- Best Man Fall
- An unofficial but very good Invisibles page from fellow Geocitizen Paul McCann
- BARBELITH: An Invisible(s) Website
- Includes extensive annotations to the series.
- The Sixmonkey Home Page - The Invisbles Cover Art Gallery
- All the covers of both series.
- Scripta Mira
- A Grant Morrison fan page, including the Invisibles and other comics.
- Love & Rockets Links
- Just what it says; maintained by Mark Rosenfelder.
- Jaime Hernandez Chronology
- Also by Mark R.; a chronology of events that occur or are referred to in Jaime's L&R stories.
- Mi Vida Loca: A Love and Rockets Resource
- An excellent Love & Rockets site from fellow geocitizen Sarah Graham.
- Minimum Wage Page
- Official page by Bob Fingerman - check it out!
- Official Roberta Gregory Website
- What it says, not just Naughty Bits but Gregory's other work as well.
- BAD HABIT: The comic book art of Jeff Nicholson
- Nicholson is the creator of Ultra Klutz, Through the Habitrails and other great comics you've never heard of. Shame on you.
- Poison Elves Home Page
- Unofficial site maintained by Brad Chamberlain.
- Poison Elves Guide
- Yet another Poison Elves page
- Hyena: A Fan Page
- Devoted to a character in Poison Elves
- The Wake
- A beautiful page devoted to Neil Gaiman's Sandman.
- The Dreaming
- Another page devoted to The Sandman, including Neil Gaiman news and extensive links.
- Sandman annotations
- Everything you wanted to know about The Sandman but were afraid to ask.
(Dylan Verheul's The Wake is supposed to be the official repository for this now, but he's putting them up one at a time. I'm gonna link to this one until he gets the whole thing up)
- Magian Line Menu
- Online version of the Neil Gaiman fan-club magaine, not just devoted to Sandman, but I decided to put it here anyway.
- A Sandman Page
- Jessica Palmer scanned some of the images I've got on my page. She's got a lot of Delirium stuff.
- Neil Gaiman's Sandman
- Yet another good Sandman page.
- The Pages of Magic
- A Neil Gaiman fanpage that is mostly about Sandman but has some other stuff, too.
- Gallery of the Endless
- Dan Carrington's site has descriptions and pictures of all of Dream's family
- The Shaper's Realm -- Welcome
- Another Sandman page ("Shaper" was another of Dream's names)
- A Distant Skerry of the Dreaming
- What is it about Neil that inspires so many pages? This Sandman page is by Jennifer Jo Reinhart.
- Gates of Ivory
- Stephanie Moore at Yale maintains this nifty collection of images of Dream from Sandman
- DC COMICS' STARMAN: A Compendium
- Alex Tam shows how a fan-originated site can be slicker and more professional-looking than many publisher-based sites.
- The Unofficial Starman Homepage
- Another fan page, from a fellow geocitizen. Not as good as Alex Tam's, but not bad.
- Strangers In Paradise Website
- Unofficial site maintained by Maida Carpio Scott.
- Thieves & Kings Web Page
- An unofficial but wonderful homage by Matt Brooks.
- The Transmet Feed
- A wonderful Transmetropolitan site.
- Transmetropolitan: Pupin Grove
- Another Transmetropolitan fan page.
- Warren Ellis, writer of the absolutely brilliant Transmetropolitan (among other comics), has his own home page.
- Watching the Detectives
- A panel-by-panel examination Alan Moore's and Dave Gibbon's masterpiece, Watchmen, by Suart Moulthrop and assorted volunteers. Possibly the first set of hypertext annotations of a comic on the World Wide Web.
- The Annotated Watchmen
- Yet another set of Watchmen annotations, this one from Jason Fliegel.
- Barry Windsor-Smith
- Official page that seems to be maintained by BWS himself.
- Fans of Teri Sue Wood Page
- A page all about the creator of Wandering Star and the upcoming Darklight
Comments? Questions? Drop me a line
This page has had
visitors since 09/01/2000
This page was last updated: 09/02/2000
The words on this page and others maintained here are © J. Stephen Bolhafner.
Images in this webspace or pages linked here are all © their respective creators
Feel free to add add this page as a link, or to copy any of the links to your own page - just don't copy the
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