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Welcome to CleverGrrl's Institute for the Treatment and Support of Hardcore X-Philes. I conceived The AXFAT! Webring as a tongue-in-cheek support group for Philes afflicted with "All X-Files, all the time!" (AXFAT!) Syndrome. Our ranks include owners who have websites from every discipline and category. [See above for our two most well-known members!]
Step #1: Are You Worthy? |
Do you have what it takes to join The AXFAT! Webring? Take the following quiz:
If you answered yes to most of the above questions, AND YOUR SITE IS AN X-FILES SITE, NOT JUST AN UNRELATED PAGE WITH A COUPLE OF LINKS TO X-FILES MATERIAL, we AXFAT! sufferers invite you to share in our affliction. Continue to the next step...
Step #2: You're worthy. Now what? |
Step #3: E-Mail Me!! |
Let me know when the graphics and code are up on your site. If you forget this step, you won't be admitted into the ring right away because I'll forget you even exist.
Other AXFAT! Links of Interest |
Index | List of all the sites in The "All X-Files, All the Time" Webring |
Queue | List of sites in the queue |
Edit Site Info | Edit site information for a site in the ring or queue |
My Other X-Files Sites |
The Hub: The Best in X-Files Fan Fiction |
The Fan Fiction of Stacey Oziel |
My Homepage |
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AXFAT! site is
maintained by Stacey Oziel.
You are visitor number to visit
The AXFAT! Webring Home Page
May 10, 1998. Come back soon!
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This Webring for Webring Managers
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