Wellcome friends to the Weyr of Drearlith

dragon trapped in human body


Since some time ago I have feeling that something is wrong with this world. Now I realized why. I used to be a green dragon from beautiful forrest planet. There were lot of us. We started to have troubles with new race very similar to "people" living on Earth. One of our Greats had developed a ritual, after passing which the dragons were able to change their bodyshape into humanoid. I am not sure how I got on Earth, but I am sure , that I forgot the way how to get back to my dragon's body.




treasury chamber
I devided treasury room in chambers. If you are quick, you can see all pictures toogether from Balcony, but it could take some time, the staicase is looong...
human identity


April 16th,1998
I met wonderful friend! She is dwarf, but not a warrior nor dragonfighter...
Woul you like to visit DEWARA ? OK, just jump on my back, I will fly you there. Ready? Allright, let's GO!


December 4th,1997
I found out! It is easy! I am pretty sure that it is not the way we used to do it, but it works! (at least little bit)
I just plug into the Internet and
I spread my wings and I can fly again!
Nevertheless, I would like to know more about shapeshifting and the staff around...


kitti little dragoness This is Kitti, my adopted dragonchild. She just hatched! She is sooooo cute, and what is the best, she loves me! If you like her, you could adopt one also, just go here.


Unfortunately, i do not have ehough time to maintain this site as good as I would like to... So you will probably not find here anymore new graphics.


This place is member of lot of webrings, joining dragons and their friends. No need to be alone - go and see the WEBRING'S PAGE!


And, here is my favourite webring:

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