If you came here from the TF2005 page on aptlabta.wpi.edu, please note that the site has now moved to http://pluto.spaceports.com/~tf2005/. Update your bookmarks!

Welcome to the home page for Orca, an Autobot Original Character on Transformers 2005 MUSH. This site contains information about Orca as well as past characters I have played, including Perceptor and Ultra Magnus.

(5-23-2000) Several people have asked me how I coded multiple messages on Orca for his modes. For the edication of TF2005 players learning MU* softcode, here's the low-down: TF2005 Code.

(1-19-2000) The look and feel of the pages on the site (excluding the pages for other characters) have been given the same look and feel. I've also put the markers in place for my Soapbox page. Sometimes things just irk me, so now you get the chance to hear me rant. :)

(10-30-1999) I changed the graphics on this front page to have a little more color.

If you have any suggestions, comments should be sent to orca2005@yahoo.com.


Quote: "To unpathed waters, undreamed shores."

Note: A sturdily-constructed Autobot, Orca was built on Earth and activated with a neural net stored in Iacon. He is energetic and dedicated to protecting the Earth and its inhabitants, as well as other Autobot allies. Appreciates human culture, specifically art and music. Uses a hover board in robot mode when required to traverse land. Equipped with a pair of ballistic cannons, his hydro-tank mode can achieve speeds of 100mph. He feels extremely out of place around non-aquatic environments, even Cybertron, and generally tries to avoid them. This aversion can hinder his willingness to work in certain locations.

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