DaemoN RuleZ !!! CDnow CDnow
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DaemoN's Lair ! 

A warm welcome to this Infernal Homepage!

Yo people !!! My name is Philip Scicluna and I live at Mosta in the island of Malta, just under Sicily.
I was born on 7 - 7 - 77 at 7 p.m !!

My hobbies are playing football, internet browsing, watching manga videos, a fanatic of all sorts of paranormal stuff, sci-fi movies, UFO`s & the universe, and an obsession on computer deathmatches, strategy & some role-playing games. But I`m especially fond of Blizzard games, such as Starcraft and much more Diablo. So don`t hesitate to contact me for a game, or to join the Maltese Deathmatch Club. (See the Index).



To contact me there is a simple way (apart from summoning me) : by e-mail
My e-mail address is dimonju@yahoo.com .



The IndeX
The Deathmatcher`s Paradise ! 
The history and links of the world`s best 3D Action Games for Deathmatches.
Mega cool !
The Maltese Deathmatch, Strategy and Diablo Club ! 
This is the official homepage with lots of info and an FAQ.
Try it !
My Music Page 
Great Links to some of the world`s best Music groups !
Still under construction !
Great Links to sites of Paranormal stuff and UFO`s
Lots of interesting subjects & links !
Manga Mania ! 
Links of great manga sites and Info.
Very colourful with tons of links !

Please sign my guestbook.
Or I`ll summon this Cyber-Demon !!
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A big thanks to Sbosic.
Sorry, but some links are still under construction due to lack of time and also lack of feedback.
Updated Last : 12th October 1999.
I hope you liked my homepage. If yes, make sure you bookmark it !
If not or found something offensive don`t hesitate to leave me an e-mail.
As from 23th June 1997

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