We have made an effort here at TFG to document some of the events leading up to the formation of the official organization.It is of course a work in progress, added to as events develop. Read, and enjoy.
![]() | The Year it all Began |
![]() | The Formative Years |
![]() | The Best of Times |
![]() | The Falling Out |
![]() | A Second Chance |
![]() | Holding our Own |
![]() | Full Speed Ahead |
![]() | What's in store for TFG? |
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Hello. Welcome to where it all began.
I am sometimes laughingly referred to as THE Founding Member. Nice title, although a bit innacurate. I don't recall having done this all of this by myself. It was never a one-man operation. There were many others who give a lot of themselves along the way. I just happened to be the focal point. Or is that vocal point? I'm always the talker in the group, which I suppose made me the ex-officio leader for awhile. But I digress.
This is quite an interesting story. I find it easier to write it from my point of view, so sometimes I will slip into the first-person narrative. Luckily, I am a very objective writer, so it shouldn't present any problems :-)
I hope that you will take the time to read this, and perhaps understand a little better the individuals and events that formed TFG. It was sometimes a hard road to travel. But we're glad we did.
*********************The Beginning: 1988********************
August of 1988. Students meet for the very first time in an open room. A discussion ensues; common ground is discovered. Friendships are formed.
"I don't know when exactly we began to come together; I suspect that since we had so much fun during class, it just made sense to hang out after school, too".
The "common ground" referred to was, of all things, a similar outlook for the future. Without getting overly complicated, the future, in our minds, could be best described as being a bit like a television show called StarTrek: the Next Generation in it's simple, upbeat, positive philosophy. It brought together a group of people you wouldn't ordinarily expect to hang out together, laying down the groundwork for friendships that exist today. And will likely exist for a lifetime. (And who says that television is all bad?) Every one of these folks began to look toward a brighter future, and realized that others did, too...
I refer to these as the formative years, because the future members of TFG were still learning how to interact with each other, as well as try to discover their place in the world. It's not easy for a group of people to hold themselves together, especially considering how diverse a group existed. TFG did well, in fact much better than most other more organizations. A common dream called to us all: the future of mankind.
"Yea, we hung out together a lot. Which was surprising, because how often do a nerd, an athlete, and a gangster get seen together, much less get along? But that's the way it was with us."
Surprisingly, these individuals learned to look past their differences with each other, reaching once again for common ground, of which there was a lot of. Shared experiences at that age do wonders for people. It's a wonder we all don't remember that lesson, and reach for the experiences we all share in more often. The world would be a different place, indeed.
It's hard to point to any one year and say that this was the best time of our lives. Yet so many of us do that, usually referring to our teens and twenties. If you had to pin me down, I'd say that THIS was the best of times.
Out in the real world for the first time, and cut off from all that was familiar, TFG members reached out to each other, and found comfort once again in their shared vision.
There was more free time then, before the hustle and bustle of everyday life and just, "getting by" laid claim to everyone's time. We still had time to do, to plan, to think....to ponder. Our activities, new in the beginning, now became the standard. Little did we know that in thinking about the future, we were in fact setting our own in motion...
Looking back, it doesn't seem possible that we were able to do even one thing together, much less several, especially when nowadays I can't even make time for a coffee break! I gues it's the price one pays for creating a better world in which to live...
Like every group of friends, we have had our troubles. There were some dark times in all of our lives. The consolation was that we overcame these obstacles, and moved forward.
That doesn't make writing about them any easier.
There were many factors contributing to the loss of friendship, and thus group unity. People change. Things that once were so important don't nearly seem so after awhile. Old hurts were brought up and piled on. New priorities in people's lives.
It was understandable, really. One needed time for themselves. The group cause itself was too labor-intensive. Most people didn't have the time to spend anymore, with work, family, and other responsibilities. The group, as it existed, was no longer needed. People began to drift apart. People hadn't been togther for days, then weeks, and months. Some in years. The group as we knew it was about to cease to exist.
But do not despair; there was a bright ray of light.
I was concerned about the way the group was dissolving. These were my friends, after all, a veritable thinktank that I was not only proud to be a part of but also had come to rely on. I felt I had to do something. I had to make one more try to bridge the gap. In the end, I'm not sure why I felt this was my responsibility. I felt it was my fault somehow that things hadn't been operating as smoothly, and I didn't see anyone else trying anything that worked. Everyone was trying, but it was disorganized; unfocused. We were desperate. So I had a desperate solution.
Second chances are hard to come by. When one presented itself, I did not hesitate. Inspiration hit in March of 1997, around one in the morning. I had the solution! I could finally see so clearly the answer to the problems that had been plaguing my once-close circle of friends. It would be a lot of work, but well worth it. If it failed, we would be no worse off. But, if it succeeded......
*****************The Start of a Second Chance***************
It began with a letter. I sent one to each friend. In it, I talked about all of the good times we had together over the years, how we had planned to change the very world we lived in, and how it would be a terrible waste to throw it all away. I spoke from my heart. And they listened! They heard me!
I asked everyone to attend what I called an "organizational" meeting on Friday, March 28th, 1997. And they all showed up. Everyone. It was the first time in over three years that had happened. It was a momentous occasion.
Once everyone was seated, I gave my speech. Everyone was silent as I told them my prediction for the future if we continued on our current path, detailing the breakup of our group, and the loss of beloved friends and the ideals with which we sttod for. The future I painted was bleak. But then, I gave them a ray of hope. First, I offered them a chance to both forgive and be forgiven, for any and all transgressions against each other. They all gratefully accepted. With a clean slate before us all, I offered them an alternative to the bleak future I had described before. I offered themStanding Order #1.
Standing Order #1, my master plan. I spent some sleepless nights working on it. In it, I detailed a plan whereby we would organize into an official group to schedule our activities. I created a set of rules that would allow peaceful resolution of any issues that would arise in the course of our future events. I arranged events so that getting together would not interfere in people's lives, as it had so often before.
Most importantly, I made everyone an equal, full-fledged member in this new group. I read through everything with them, and asked them to vote it into law as our first official act. The vote was unanimous.
Things moved along rather quickly after that. We created a schedule of activities, an action plan that had something for everyone, so there was no longer any arguing as to what to do about a problem or how to proceed. We came along with our name soon after. We had an extensive weeding process, and got it down to two names: The Futurists, and The Group. It was a tie, and a deadlock. So we did what our organization was destined to do. We compromised. We became both names. The Futurist Group, which I shortened to TFG to type this. I was voted in as the first President, and given the title THE founding member later on.
Now you know.
In retrospect, I ask myself if it was the right thing to do. And the answer? Depends on your point of view. In this case, placing structure into friendships was the only way to salvage them. Had it not been for that, there are a few of us who would have left forever. Whether or not THAT is a good or bad thing also depends on your point of view. There's something about a long friendship that makes it worth salvaging....anytime, and at any cost. Especially one that will someday help others...
It's hard to believe, but TFG was to go a full year without me in the driver's seat.. There were new elections, and for the first time in a decade, thanks to TFG, someone else has the responsibility for keeping the group together, as per the established guidlines.
Sadly, not all the original members stayed with us. It was their decision to continue with the paths they had chosen, and not to continue with TFG. They will be missed.
But they were here for awhile in 1997. And that says something.
The new President had a hard job ahead of him; with our ranks depleted, TFG was to embark on a policy of recruitment and retainment. In the end, it was enough that we maintained what we had left. It was a trying year, but a successful one. And he pointed us in the right direction.
Our second year with a new President....and a whole new direction for TFG. Several new members, and benchmark events have begun to take shape. Old friendships renewed, new ones formed...and all running like clockwork. Looking good, and the year has just begun. We are finally making progress!
What Lies Ahead?
What lies ahead for TFG? Well, that's difficult to say, really. Those choices are left up to a new generation of futurists. Perhaps one of them is you....
I think that I can safely say that the future looks bright. It is my belief that TFG will continue to exist, serving its membership in ways that other groups cannot provide, because TFG is DESIGNED to be fluid, to change and adapt with the times, based on the needs of its membership. Few organizations do that now, and I suspect that few will do so any time in the forseeable future...
What were the benchmark initives? What is the master plan? That, my friends, is information given only to members. Come, join us. We have a plan, a vision. You won't be sorry...
"We secretly replaced the dilithium crystals with new Folger's crystals. Now, let's watch them go into warp..."