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- 07/21/00 12:36:08
Lou - 07/20/00 07:10:34
My Email:loue@ZIANET.COM
Where are you from?: aLAMOGORDO
Dave Owen - 09/18/99 11:14:36
My Email:hamtyler@hotmail.com
Title of your page: NA
How did you find me?: Chris Pappas Site
Where are you from?: England
Age (optional): 21
A brilliant web site with lots of info about the Cylons and other sci-fi bad guys. Well worth the visit
Angela - 07/21/99 08:26:08
My URL:http://adviceangel.homepage.com/angel.html
My Email:tenderone@home.com
Title of your page: Advice Angel
How did you find me?: another guestbook
Where are you from?: Victoria BC Canada
Age (optional): 26
wow i really have enjoyed my visit and will be back. keep up the good work. Angela
John Howard - 06/28/99 18:05:33
My URL:http://marina.fortunecity.com/titanic/380/
My Email:howardj@cadvision.com
Title of your page: Welcome to Johns Calgary Homepages
How did you find me?: Friend
Where are you from?: Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Age (optional): 49 close to the big 50 Smile
First of all I would love to say Hello from Canada. I really enjoyed these pages, awesome job done on these pages, great Job keep up this great work.
matt - 04/25/99 22:26:19
My Email:Terranr69@aol
How did you find me?: internet search Battlestar
Where are you from?: CA
Bixy-Chan - 04/14/99 16:58:01
My URL:http://rivendell.fortunecity.com//traveller/452/index.html
My Email:BIX444@aol.com
Title of your page: Star Wars: Time Crisis
How did you find me?: i just kinda appeared here
Where are you from?: A galaxy far far away of course
Your page is way neato spiffy wicked absolutly rockin cool! Hee...my page is so humble comapared to all of these ones i've been seeing...it almost makes me sad...but it will be great one day...maybe...well, keep up the good work! Peace and Love!
Love, Bixy-Chan
queen of darkness - 03/11/99 16:50:14
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/pa/qod/
Title of your page: realm of darkness
How did you find me?: lycos search
Where are you from?: pa
Age (optional): 21
interesting site.. : )
jean masse - 02/26/99 04:02:54
Where are you from?: canada
jean masse - 02/26/99 03:58:58
Bad Bunny - 10/16/98 09:29:58
My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me
Just surfing. Thanks.
Cindy - 09/24/98 09:45:28
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
Nice page.... please come visit my site :-)
Thanks, Cindy
Sith Lord - 09/21/98 18:15:13
Well done. You are strong in the dark ways
Jean Masse - 08/15/98 12:42:01
My Email:Jean.Masse@usa.net
Title of your page: none
How did you find me?: Mon frere
Where are you from?: Canada
Age (optional): 37
Salut Andre,
j'ai envoyer un Email a ton addresse de retour sur usa.net,j'espere que ca va fonctionner.en se redonne des nouvelles,bye!!
frank hernandez - 07/20/98 07:32:56
My Email:blkadder@world-net.net
Title of your page: working on it
How did you find me?: vga planets link
Where are you from?: texas
excellent site!!! luv those BAD GUYS.
have been playing the CYLONS in VGA Planets
and kickin' assssssssssssssss !!!!
Great pics and artwork.
keep up the great job:-)
_______/\/\/\/\/\/OO-the BlackAdder
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 20:28:07
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
René Masse - 05/03/98 03:24:16
My Email:rmasse@francomedia.qc.ca
Where are you from?: St-Hubert
Age (optional): 35
Salut André
Je viens de voir ton site et il est super. C'est très plaisant de savoir que des fois tu vas être là et peut-être on pourrais se jaser avec NetMeeting.
chris engelhardt - 04/22/98 20:39:50
My URL:none yet
My Email:engel1@airmail.net
Title of your page: none
How did you find me?: luck
Where are you from?: texas
Age (optional): 27
i love battlestar and sci-fi
hpesoj - 04/15/98 21:38:08
My URL:Don't have one yet
My Email:N/A
Title of your page: Ewok Village
How did you find me?: Galactic Empire Web Ring
Where are you from?: Earth:-)
Age (optional): N/A
This is the first homepage hpesoj has signed. I
sign pages that need a little help or (in your
case) have good pages, but can't add more because
of not having enough space to add more. I know
at GeoCities they only let you have 2 MB of space
to make your page on. I don't mean to be making
fun of this page. It is great. A lot of people
have visited this page so it must be good. Well
I am going from site to site on the Galactic
Empire Web Ring, so I must stop writing. Bye.
Monique - 04/12/98 11:12:14
How did you find me?: great !!
Where are you from?: The Netherlands
Age (optional): 28
ACRONYMOUS - 03/02/98 20:14:25
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/3522/
Title of your page: -XXX-
Where are you from?: Scandinavia
Cool pages.
Christos Georgiades - 02/21/98 15:41:01
rita hodges - 01/03/98 05:57:36
My Email:mhodges@leblink.com
How did you find me?: chrispappas.com
Where are you from?: lebanon mo.
Age (optional): 30
Yoda - 12/07/97 00:04:43
Title of your page: none
How did you find me?: Searched The Force
Where are you from?: Dagobah
This is a great web page.It helps me keep up with all my enemys.
Mark - 11/21/97 13:12:31
copool page
Keith Johnson - 11/13/97 15:50:39
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/4590/
My Email:circassia@hotmail.com
Title of your page: Circassia's Homepage
How did you find me?: You signed my guestbook.
Where are you from?: Oklahoma
Age (optional): 22
Very nice page I enjoyed the view from the "bad guys". Keep up the good work!
Paul Woo - 11/07/97 18:56:30
How did you find me?: jedinet
Where are you from?: dayton Ohio
t,.c. de groot - 10/20/97 10:10:15
Where are you from?: holland
Kelly - 08/25/97 16:42:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/5028/
My Email:kellyb@rocketmail.com
Title of your page: Starbase 5
How did you find me?: you found me
Where are you from?: California
Age (optional): 12
very nice site!
Captain Iceman - 08/24/97 00:52:55
My Email:chrised@helix.org
Title of your page: Cylon raiders
How did you find me?: Link
Where are you from?: Nowhere
Age (optional): 26
Cylon raiders web ring.
Lonnie Gill (Gene) - 08/17/97 08:34:02
My URL:http://members.aol.com/warser/harvest.html
My Email:legill63@aol.com
Title of your page: Gene's Star wars Page
How did you find me?: You Emailed me!
Where are you from?: Los Angeles:(
Age (optional): 33 I like to say "Plenty-nine!"
Andres, Amazing. I think my review of your site says it all. The whole site looks great. I love the B.G. emblem on the Awards image too! Great Work.
Caren - 08/13/97 20:06:42
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/9164/index.html
My Email:Dierna@hotmail.com
Title of your page: DESTINATIONS
How did you find me?: just surfed on in
Where are you from?: Washington State
Age (optional): 17
hmm...not sure if this is a page just for star wars...hmm...isn't that the borg named Hugh? Cool page...
David Wilder - 08/11/97 06:37:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wi/Wilder/
My Email:wilderd@cadvision.com
Title of your page: Stormtrooper Information Central
How did you find me?: Through an application for my Helmet Award
Where are you from?: Calgary, AB CANADA
Age (optional): Close to 30, still got a couple of years to go :)
Awesome site!! check out my review on my helmet awards page at http://www.angelfire.com/wi/Wilder/myaward.html
and thank you for the input and files too help enhance my site :)
Cap'n Jim Varner - 08/08/97 03:38:57
My URL:http://ns.netmcr.com/~jvarner
My Email:not.here@not.now
Title of your page: Cap'n Jims Homepage
How did you find me?: You told me
Hey, Just stopping by. I really like the layout and the overall look. If you want to use any more of my pics (such as my borg cube), just give me a yell.
Good luck on your site,
Cap'n Jim
Markus - 08/03/97 23:45:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SunsetStrip/Stage/5393/
My Email:mynameismarkus@geocities.com
Title of your page: mynameismarkus
How did you find me?: by mail
Where are you from?: Sweden, Helsingborg
Age (optional): Im 20
Andre helped me out with my graphics on my homepage. He is really good.
Wm. Scott Jennings - 08/01/97 00:37:07
My URL:http://www.wsjennings.com
My Email:wsj@wsjennings.com
Title of your page: Landscape Paintings of William Scott Jennings
How did you find me?: banner!
Where are you from?: Sedona, AZ
Age (optional): Shouldn't say, but...........44
Thanks for the help on the ET apletts...it had me
bugged for awhile! Keep in touch. Oh, by the way check out Area51/Dimension/5838....just a beginning, no fancy code, yet, just working on the
premise and the artwork... wsj
Roxie O'Dwyer - 07/21/97 23:59:01
My Email:Roxie_O@Sprynet.com
Title of your page: None
How did you find me?: Guess
Where are you from?: Ca. USA
Anxious to see this finished product!
Very well done. Am proud of you!!
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