That's right, it's official you cock sucking motherfukers. Pile of Skulls is back. Expect a lot of shit to be going on with the site within the next few weeks/days/etc.

Coming Soon... Again!

Pile Of Skulls, the most notorious website online today, is being fully redone. When it comes back, sometime shortyly after Christmas, perhaps before, it will be chock full of the most brutal and disturbing things your mind can conceive...

A new Flash Interface... Complete with audio and awesome visuals. Navigating the end would have never be easier.

More Sections of Shit to Do... New Games are coming, such as "Where's Skank", "Ask Uncle Entrails" as well as Dressup Games and More. New message boards, Guestbooks, and Web Polls. And more Concert Reviews, Band Interviews as well.

More Downloadable Content... Than ever before! Only the heaviest Metal Downloads and Gore Core video content.

User Databases, Profile, and Logins... When you sign up for BrutalNET, you will also recieve a membership to Pile of Skulls: Death Mobile Elite, giving you access to more content, such as more MP3's, Video Files, and more Message Boards.

New Server... Offering us advanced options for design and content, featuring ASP, CGI, and a whole lot more. No banner ads, no adsquares, no fucking BULLSHIT! Pile of Skulls, Shut Down TWICE by CHRISTIAN Web Surfers, emailed SEVERAL DEATH THREATS, and the would be host for dozens of lame, fake, loser ass "hackers" is still standing. The NEW PoS will be more than a force to be reckoned with - it will be an all out explosion of rotten, swollen entrails and bruised, sored body parts. Take no Prisoners, Slaughter The Weak.

Stay Alert For more information. Thanks to the followers for the support. Email me to be added to info mailing list, or for questions/commentary/info.
Tuesday, NOV 27 - 9:31 pm