I found this book in a book store I always goto. It is called " India's Love Lyrics" By Laurence Hope..But the people whom wrote it were different, but anyhow I want to share it with you. I will give you a different one each month, let me know if you like them.

O Beautiful Stars, when you see me go
Hither and thither, in search of love,
Do you think me faithless, who gleam and glow
Serene and fixed in the blue above?
O Stars, so golden, it is not so.
But there is a garden I dare not see,
Since the charm and glory of life to me
The brown earth covered there, long ago.
O Stars, you saw it, you know , you know.
Hither and thither I wandering go,
With aimless haste and wearing fret:
In a search for pleasure and love? Not so,
Seeking desperately to fret.
You see so manny, O Stars, you know.
Tell me what you think.
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