Third beta version 0.1C
from build 3 released. Go download
it...It's an update to 0.1B.
Web page goes up!
This is the Q3: SSJB home on the web.
Please explore at your leisure.
Public beta released! SSJB
v0.1B is here. If you would like to try
it out, go to the For Servers page
and learn about how to use it and
then go download it.
Hello and
welcome to the home of Quake 3 Arena: Server Side
Jailbreak, a new team-based mod that allows for
jailbreak-type action to occur solely on the server side.
This allows for players to simply connect to their
favorite server without having to make any extra
downloads. As you will learn, there is more to this mod
than just Jailbreak. Servers can also run CTF games in
maps that do not have the CTF necessary flags items; a
simple script can be run to tell the server where the
flags and/or jails should be.
This mod is in the
early beta stages, and may need some work. I ask you to
please try it out, if you run a server and want to try
something different such as jailbreak or CTF in non-CTF
maps. You can also as a server sysop turn all features of
the mod off, reverting it to normal Q3 play.
Please contact me
(Drive C:) with any information, or any concerns or
comments. If something on this web page is broken,
mislabled, incorrect, or just plain WRONG, please tell
me, and help everyone out. Before you go exploring, just
let me make a general disclaimer:
I, Drive C:, do
not claim to know EVERYTHING. I do not claim to be a
Quake 3 GOD. I wrote Q3A: Server-side jailbreak as a
little mod that might give some people some pleasure.
That said, please feel free to download and play the
mod. If it doesn't generate the desired effect, then
e-mail me. Otherwise, go right ahead and delete it,
then e-mail me why you didn't like it :).