These sound files are mainly WAV. files but there is the odd AU. file. Most of them aren't too big so they should't take to long to download. They are listed by size, who said it, what they said and which
movie they said it in.
 ability.wav  "The ability to destroy a planet is insignificant next to the power of the force." - Darth Varder 119KB
 allclear.wav  "You're all clear kid, now lets blow this thing and go home" - Han Solo 60KB
 amaze.wav  "You know sometimes I even amaze myself."-Han Solo 28KB
  c3p0.wav  "Hello sir I am See 3P0 human cyborg realtions."-C3P0 73KB
 cantsee.wav  "I can't see a thing in this helmet"-Luke Skywalker 42KB
 cautious.wav  "We must be cautious"-Obi Wan Kenobi 29KB
 circle.wav  "The circle is now complete, when I left you I was but a learner but now I am the master"-Darth Vader "Only a master of evil Darth"-Obi Wan Kenobi 286KB
 close.wav  "Sir if you'll not be needing me I'll close down for a while."-C3P0 232KB
 disturbance.wav  "I felt a great disturbance in the Force." - Obi Wan Kenobi 255KB
 faith.wav  "I find your lack of faith disturbing." - Darth Vader 31KB
 fire.wav  "You may fire when ready."-Moff Tarkin 27KB
 force.wav  Don't underestimate the power of the force."-Darth Vader 28KB
 greatshot.wav  "Great shot kid that was one in a million!"-Han Solo 20KB
 haveyou.wav  "I have you now" -Darth Vader 23KB
 helpmeobiwan.wav  "Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!" -Leia Organa 80KB
 here.wav  "He is here"-Darth Vader 26KB
 hive.wav  "You will never see a more wretched hive of scum and villany." - Obi Wan Kenobi 389KB
 identification.wav  "You don't need to see his identification" -Obi Wan Kenobi 203KB
 junk.wav  "What a piece of junk!"-Luke Skywalker 32KB
 like.wav  "Beep"-R2D2 "No I don't think he likes you at all"-C3P0 "Beep beep."-R2D2 "No i don't like you either."-C3P0 68KB
 mess.wav  "Sorry about the mess" - Han Solo 115KB
 noone.wav  "There'll be no-one to stop us this time!" - Darth Vader 11KB
 nomoon.wav  "That's no moon. It's a space station." - Obi-Wan 41KB
 notcome.wav  "You should not have come back"-Darth Vader 142KB
 powercon.wav  "But I was going into Toschi Station to pick up some power converters!" -Luke Skywalker 43KB
 rebel.wav  "We will deal with your rebel friends soon enough."-Moff Tarkin 32KB
 sense.wav  "I sense something, a prescence I haven't felt since..."-Darth Vader 56KB
 smell.wav  "What an incredible smell you've discovered!" -Han Solo 206KB
 tech.wav  "Don't be too proud of this technilogical terror you've constructed." - Darth Vader 45KB
 thank.wav  "Don't everybody thank me at once."-Han Solo 38KB
 theforce.wav  "Don't underestimate the force."-Darth Vader 48KB  "Uh uh everything is undercontrol....situation normal." "What happened?" "Had a slight wepons malfuntion, but uh everything is perfectly alright now, we fine, were all fine here now thank you how are you?"-Han Solo and an Imperial Officer 108KB
 useless.wav  "You are beaten it is useless to resist"-Darth Vader 36KB
 utabuutasolo.wav  "Uta butta  Solo?" -Greedo 27KB
 wish.wav  "As you wish." - Darth Vader 34KB
 wish2.wav  "As you wish m' Lord" - Admiral Piett 15KB
 oulet.wav  "We found the computer outlet sir." - C3P0 32KB
 afraid.wav  "I am not afraid." ."Yeeeees. You will be. You will be...." - Luke 
                                 Skywalker and Yoda 
 ahhhh.wav  (Darth Varder being hit by Luke light sabre) 37KB
 alltoeasy.wav  "All too easy." - Darth Vader 15KB
 apology.wav  "Apology accpeted, Captain Needa." - Darth Vader 34KB
 beware.wav  "Beware the Dark Side!" - Yoda 26KB
 bidding.wav  "What is thy bidding, my master?" - Darth Vader 33KB
 bounty.wav  "Bouty hunter we don't need their scum."-Admiral Piett 52KB
 cargo.wav  "Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold" - Bobba Fett 23KB
 chewie.wav  (Chewie growling) 64KB
 chewie2.wav  (Chewie growling once again) 28KB
 darkside1.wav  "If you only knew the power, of the dark side." - Darth Vader 81KB
 darkside2.wav  "Give yourself to the darkside."-Darth Vader 68KB
 dead.wav  "He's no good to me dead"-Bobba Fett 47KB
 destroy.wav  "There is no escape, don't make destroy you."-Darth vader 38KB
 distance.wav  "Distance to power generators?-General Veers one seven decimal two eight.-Imperial Officer 35KB
 droid.wav  (an Imperial Probe Driod) 112KB
 easy.wav  "All too easy."-Darth Vader 21KB
 fail.wav  "Don't fail me again." - Darth Vader 65KB
 faillast.wav  "You have failed me for the last time." - Darth Vader 61KB
 fly-by.wav  (The sound of the Millennium Falcon fly by) 174KB
 force.wav  "The force is with you young Skywalker, but you are not a Jedi     yet." -  Darth Vader 56KB
 goodkiss.wav  "You could use a good kiss."-Han Solo 31KB
 help.wav  "Help you I can. Yes, ummm." - Yoda 59KB
 ifather.wav  "I, am your father!" - Darth Vader 42KB
 imperial.wav  "Imperial troops have entered the base, imperial troops have entered the......"-Rebel Officer 46KB
 join.wav  "We would be honoured if you would join us."-Darth Vader 63KB
 laugh.wav  (Yoda luaghing) 40KB
 laugh1.wav  (Chewie laughing) "Laugh it up fuzzball" - Han Solo 18KB
 looking.wav  "Looking? Found someone I would say, ummm? (laugh)" - Yoda 58KB
 nerf.wav  "Why you stuck up, half witted, scruffing looking nerf herder."-Leia Organa  262KB
 nodisintegrations.wav  "I want them alive, no disintegrations" -Darth Vader 80KB
  nogood.wav  "He's no good to me dead" -Bobba Fett 77KB
 noharm.wav  " I mean you no harm."-Yoda 27KB
 odds.wav  "Never tell me the odds."Han Solo 55KB
 power.wav  "If you only knew the power of the dark side."-Darth Vader 81KB
 rouge.wav  "Commander Skywalker do you copy? This is Rouge 2."  "Good morning nice of you guys to drop by." "Echo Base this is Rouge 2, I found them, repeat, I found them."-Rebel Officer and Han Solo 166KB
 salciouscrumb.wav  (Salacious Crumb laughing) 50KB
 somtimes.wav  "Sometimes I just don't understand human behavior 49KB
 sonofsky  "The son of Skywalker must not become a Jedi" -Emporer Palpatine 48KB
 stay.wav  "Stay and help you I will, hmmm."-Yoda 38KB
 targetmax.wav  "Target maximum fire power."-General Veers 57KB
 tauntaun.wav  A Taun-taun 35KB
 try.wav  "No. Try not. Do. Or do not. There is no try." - Yoda 56KB
 wait.wav  "Wait a second."-Han Solo 16KB
 wars.wav  "Wars not make one great, hmmm hm hmm." - Yoda 30KB
 why.wav  "Why wish you become Jedi, mmm?" - Yoda 40KB
 wondering.wav  "I am wondering, why are you here?" - Yoda 123KB
 900years.wav  "When 900 years old you reach, look as good, you will not, hmm?" - 
 bathapoodoo.wav  (Jabba telling Han Solo that he is a "Bantha Poodoo") 51KB
  down.wav  "The shield is down, commence attack on the Death Star's red reactor"-Admiral Ackbar 27KB
 eyes.wav  Keep your eyes open huh?"-Han Solo 35KB
 filth.wav  "You tell that slimy piece of worm-ridden filth he'll get no such pleasure from us. Right?" -Han Solo 94KB
 fleet.wav  "Move the fleet away from the Death Star!" -Admiral Ackbar 50KB
 force.wav  "May the Force be with us" - Admiral Ackbar 38KB
 forgiving.wav  "The Emperor is not as forgiving as I am." - Darth Vader 77KB
 greetings.wav  "Greetings exalted one." - Luke Skywalker 37KB
 higher.wav  "A little higher, justa little higher!"-Lando Calrissian 43KB
 junk.wav  "Chewie! (Chewie grunt) Let's see what this piece of junk can do." - 
                              HanSolo and Chewabacca
 lastmistake.wav  "It's the last mistake you'll ever make!" - Luke Skywalker 43KB
 power.wav  "You don't know the power of the dark side." - Darth Vader 97KB
 strong.wav  "Strong am I with the force." - Yoda 44KB
 timemaster.wav  "I look foward to completing your training. In time you will call me, 
                             master." - Emperor Palpatine
 trap.wav  "It's a trap!"-Admiral Ackbar 14KB
 yes.wav  "Yes, my master." - Darth Vader 30KB
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