This is my personal homepage
with links and information on
my interests, hobbies and family.

My Blog on FUN and Interests - Movies, TV - Science Fiction/Fantasy

Do you know of AIVAS? or the Dragonriders of Pern?  Click here for more information.

Here's links to my favorite TV shows and the information I've collected on them.
These shows include:
Star Trek - TOS,  NG, DS9 and V
Angel and Buffy, Friends!

Here are links to my family pictures and pages.

And of course, BOOKS are a of keen interest to me.

Links to miscellaneous FUN and Interests

Items of interest to me, including poetry by myself and friends.
Also included E-Mail stories and jokes.


If you'd like to chat on these or most any topic,

contact me using Yahoo Messenger,
my ID is AIVAS