The official mission of the USS McAdams, is as an experimental research project. Little more information is available to general Starfleet personnel. The McAdams, and the Colorado Runabouts are produced at a special hidden facility.
A number of alien races are more common on the McAdams crew than on other ships in the fleet for various reasons. Crew members are picked for there involvement in supernatural phenomena and are recruited in much the same way as Bureau 13 agents in Earth's past. Vulcans, Deltans, and Betazoid are often recruited into the Psi division, unless they have clergy training. These races rarely display any potential for magical ability.
There are also a handful of androids from the planet Mudd, as well as several created by Federation scientist Dr. Susan Calvin based on the work of Noonian Soong. Dr. Calvin is one of the senior crew of the USS McAdams.
Senik is the Vulcan in charge of Religions division. He maintains a supply depot of religious paraphernalia from almost all known cultures that can be shipped to Teams quickly and efficiently. He has been called in to dispute between religious factions on board the McAdams.
Magic use, while rare, was found to be more widespread than was first anticipated. A number of Earth texts survived the chaos of the 22nd century, and there has been a lot of mysticism present in a variety of cultures (including Vulcan, Ferengi, Bajoran, Tellarite, Deltan, and others). Most advanced races don't encourage the use of mysticism, but it flourishes regardless among the displaced and disillusioned.
As a necessary measure to facilitate easy interaction between the crew member, there are additional uniform color schemes used to reflect new crew divisions. These uniforms are commonly used separate from other Starfleet personnel, to make it easy for crew to act without a lot of thought about the capabilities of their companions on away missions. Standard uniforms are available to the crew for missions that force them to interact inconspicuously with other Starfleet officers. The new and old color schemes as well as their meanings follow below:
Black / Red: Command
Black / Yellow: Support (Security / Technical / Engineering)
Black / Blue: Medical / Sciences
Black / Green: Esoteric Sciences (Magical / Supernatural / Occult )
White:Religous (Priests / Clergy from a variety of species and cultures)
Black / Pale Blue: Psi Services
Brown / ?: Special Needs (When brown replaces the standard black area of the uniform it indicates a were-creature. These personnel are not allowed near view-ports most of the time (moonlight), and are not available for certain types of away missions. The rest of the uniform color varies by the division the creature is assigned to. Crew must exercise extreme caution around the ship's Klingon were-Targ as his transformations are triggered by stress.)
Grey / ?: Special Needs (When grey replaces the standard black area of the uniform it indicates a vampire. Vampires receive sustenance in one of the ship's medical bays, and frequently use the Holodeck to reduce tension. They are also not allowed near view-ports (sunlight). The rest of the uniform color varies by the division the creature is assigned to.)
In addition Deep 13 uniforms used in away missions are composed of ballistic cloth, sometimes backed with armor plates. These uniforms are optional onboard ship.
Kirlian Filter: Tricorders can be configured to display Kirlian auras without this plug-in interface, but it makes the conversion instantaneous. Due to the nature of auras the range is still limited to line-of-sight. Research personnel are working on an alternate scanning method to give the same information using an area display instead.
Copper Badges: These copper replicas of standard Starfleet comm. badges function similarly but contain no actual electronics, relying on enchantments to interface the user with the standard ship's comm. system. These badges must be worn by magic personnel, who don't mix well with electronics.
Repli-phasers: Standard issue phasers and disrupters don't always have the desired effect on supernatural threats. This weapon combines standard replicator and disrupter technology into an effective, though limited bane launcher. The beam from this weapon destabilizes the subjects molecules enough for the replicator to replicate one of 20 pre-programmed banes inside the wound. The device is limited due to energy constraints, a phaser-rifle-sized weapon holds only 8 shots, a hand-held-phaser-sized device holds just 2.
Unlike standard away missions, Deep 13 crew are issued a variety of weapons and special equipment when they go on away missions. Standard equipment is listed below:
1. Tricorder with Kirlian Filter
2. Choice of hand weapon, Klingon daggers are the most common choice
3. Choice of small energy weapon, disrupter, phaser, slingshot BLAST kit, or pistol
4. Choice of large energy weapon (optional), disrupter, rifle, phaser rifle, repli-phaser, shotgun, SMG
5. Choice of Standard Bane Kit, MedKit, or Pocket Replicator
6. Stealth Belt 4500
You don't find Deep 13. Deep 13 finds you. Any Starfleet officers that have dealings with the supernatural and do not run in terror will be recruited immediately.
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