Welcome to the world of Eternal Fantasy! Feel free to leave reality at the door, you can pick it up on your way out:)) We welcome all, be you Dragon or not. My name is Teeta and I and the other Dragons will guide you through your tour. So come in and rest your self or feel free to explore. Please enjoy your visit to Eternal Fantasy.

To tell you a little bit about myself, I am 30 years old and live in Texas. I have a wonderful husband, and three beautiful children. Their names are Kaicy, CJ and Austin. You can visit Eternal Fantasy kids by clicking on their names or using the link below. I am a huge fantasy buff, as you can tell by this site:-) I am also an avid reader. I love to read just about anything, but mostly Fantasy, Horror and Gothic Romance. If you read fantasy books at all I highly recommend reading the Sword of Truth Trilogy by Terry Goodkind, it is without a doubt the best fantasy series i have ever read!! I like music of anykind but my favorite is rock:-). I also love to travel, which is probably a good thing since my husband is in the military and we move alot! I have recently discovered chatting, yikes talk about addicting, LOL. I have made some great friends thru chat and cant imagine my life without some of them:-) I have had an enormous amount of fun making these pages and I really hope you enjoy them. I would like to hear any comments or suggestions for this site so please feel free to email me. Well i have rambled enough, so go look around and have a great time!!

Please e-mail us with any comments or suggestions.
Entrance | Kaicy's Enchanted Sea Kingdom | CJ's Hideaway | Austin's Tigger Page | Awards I have won | My Award | Portals | Dragons | Poems | Pets | DrlnAngel's Page
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