Gremlin's Cool Wav
From Movies 
- 37dicks.wav
- "37, my girlfriend sucked 37 dicks! (In
a row)" - Clerks
- Riddleme.wav
- "Riddle me this, riddle me that, who's afraid of the big black bat?"
- Batman Forever
- Yipekia.wav
- "Yipeekiyaa motherfucker!!!" - Die
- Alive.wav
- "Alive. It's alive! It's alive!!!" - Young Frankenstein
- Beverage.wav
- "You mind if I have some of your tasty beverage to wash this down"
- Pulp Fiction
- Entrance.wav
- "Your entrance was good, his was better." - Batman Forever
- Joker.wav - "Wait'll
they get a load of me." - Batman
- Brain.wav
- "What would you do with a brain if you had one." - The Wizard
of Oz
- Vietnam.wav
- "Goooood mooornnnig Vietnaam!!!" - Good Morning Vietnam
- Thecar.wav -
"It's the car right, chicks love the car." - Batman Forever
- Fubar.wav - "We're
gonna get fubar now." - Tango & Cash
- Stripes.wav
- "Naw we're not homosexual but we are willing to learn." - Stripes
- Enema.wav
- "This town needs an enema" - Batman
- Asbigas.wav
- "I see your Shwartz is as big as mine!" - Spaceballs
- Batman.wav
- "I'm Batman" - Batman
From Cartoons 

- Brnhurt.wav
- "I shall have to hurt you." - The Brain
- Charge.wav -
"Chaarrrge!!" - Yosemite Sam
- Meepmeep.wav
- "Meeep! Meep!" - Road Runner
- Doh.wav - "Doohh!!"
- Homer Simpson
- Kaboom.wav -
"Where's the kaboom? There was supposed to be an earth shattering
kaboom." - Marvin the Martian
From Beavis and Butt-Head

From The Tick 
- Tickevil.wav
- "Villains, I say to you now, knock off al that evil!!" - The
- Spooon.wav
- "Spoooon!!" - The Tick
- Dolaundry.wav
- "I'm doing laundry" - The Tick
- Evilbomb.wav
- "And I go yeah baby, 'cause I'm the evil midnight bomber what bombs
at midnight (evil laugh)" - The evil midnight bomber
- Smooth.wav -
"Smooth!" - The Tick
- Sewer2.wav
- "Auww neat I do some of my very best work in water, yeahh"-
Sewer Urchin
- Spacetick.wav
- "I'm a far out space tick" - The Tick
- Thetick.wav
- "It is I, The Tick" - The Tick
- Hang10.wav
- "Lets hang 10 for justice" - The Tick
From South Park 
- bigfatas.wav
- "Cartman, you have such a fat ass that when you walk down the street
people say 'goddamn it that's a big fat ass'!!"
- hugrant.wav
- "I havn't seen an englishman take a blow like that scince Hugh Grant"
- rodking.wav
- "Why I havn't seen a beating like that scince Rodney King"
- kill.wav
- "Oh my god, they killed Kenny. You bastards!!"
- beefcake.wav
- "Beefcake, BEEFCAKE!!"
- crack.wav
- "If some girl tried to kick my ass, I'd be like, hey! why don't
you stop dressing me up like a mailman and making me dance for while you
go and smoke crack in you bedroom and have sex with some guy I don't even
know on my dad's bed" "Cartman, what the hell are you talking
about?" "I'm just saying you're just a little wuss, that's all"
- 1stan.wav
- "Dude, that kicks ass!"
- boatride.wav
- "Hello everyone and welcome aboard the Big Gay Boatride. On this
adventure we'll be seeing the world of gayness through out time"
- dolphins.wav
- "What was your paper about wendy?" "My paper was on the
suffering of bottlenose dolphins" "Wendy, you shouldn't have
written a paper about dolphins, dolphins are stupid" "Dude, dolphins
are like the second smartest animal on the planet." "Oh yeah,
right, if they're so damn smart, how come they get caught in those fishing
nets all the time?"
- beergun.wav
- "Okay, each of you youngones take a gun, a beer and some smokes"
- democrat.wav
- "Democrats piss me off"
- whathell.wav
- "What the hell is wrong with you people?!?!"
- chewbacca.wav
- "No way dude, I'm gonna win the costume contest with this sweet
Chewbacca costume."
- crackwhore.wav
- "Well at least my mom's not on the cover of Crackwhore magazine."
"What!? What did you say?!"
- ikilledkenny.wav
- Sound of chainsaw "Oh
my god, I killed Kenny. You bastard!"
- raggetyandy.wav
- "Why the hell did you dress up like Raggedy Andy dude?"
- theykilledkenny.wav
- "Oh my god, they killed Kenny. You bastards!!"
- sillybuns.wav
- "Wow it seems like the animals here are really happy." "Of
course they are silly buns."
- puppet.wav
- "But that's not fair!" "Life isn't fair kiddo, get used
to it." "Stupid puppet."
- jesus.wav
- "Jesus, now I havn't asked you for much but all we ned is one little
score, please, please Jesus?" "Leave me alone."
- scuzlbut.wav
- "Have you guys ever heard of Scuzzlebutt?" "Whatbut?"
"Scuzllebutt is a creature that lives up on this very mountain and
kills anybody who dares climb to the top." "Why?" "Because
it loves the taste of blood and likes to add peices to his deformed body."
"Deformed how?" "Well on his left arm instead of a hand
he has..." "A hook." "A knife." "NO! A peice
of celery!" "Celery?" "Yes, and he walks with a limp
because one of his legs is missing and where his leg should be ther's nothing
but Patrick Duffy!" "Patrick Duffy?! Damn it Cartman thats not
scary." "Whatdaya mean, have you ever seen Step By Step?"
"So he lives alone on this mountain and weaves baskets and other assorted
crafts. They say that on quiet nights you can hear him weaving his baskets
tishink, tishink, tishink." "Cartman, you suck at telling scary
stories." "Yeah, gimmie that flashlight."
Wav Surfer # 
Oh my god!! Look what you did to my counter!!
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page. Or visit my Magic:
the Gathering page, my VGA
Planets page, or my Star Wars page.