Bouncing Bunnies...

A dedication to cute and fluffy creatures and metal harbringers of death.

Fluffy Piccies

.Cthulhu is pink and fluffy.

Broadsword Hall of fame.

Red, the darker side of pink.

Sarah's Wolfy bit.

Pets Rememberance Page

Strange and wondeful pages to see.

Pet Talk

Talk to your sword


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Broadswords and Bunnies

Woofies! Pet Rememberance DON'T Famous Broadswords. In a hall. Cthulhu is Pink and Fluffy Red Poetry Fluffy Piccies... Strange PlacesPick a bunny, any bunny...

Pick a bunny, any bunny...

NEW...NEW...NEW... Talk to your pet! + Talk to your sword!

EVEN NEWER... EVEN NEWER... Two new Awards from this site

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Freedom for Jellybeans

That's about metal wielding fluffites that have seen this place. Scarey...

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