Thanks for visiting William T. Riker's Haves Page!

Please take a look at what I have for trade and then look at what I need.

Once again, I only have the Deep Space Nine Cards up, if you are looking for other sets, please give me some time or email me directly at .

Deep Space Nine Haves List

Aid Fugitives


Bajoran Civil War (2)

Bareil Antos




Camping Trip

Changeling Research

Enabran Tain

Garak Has Some Issues

Gilora Rejal

I.K.C. Tah'Kaht

Jadzia Dax

Jaro Essa

Martus Mazur

Mora Pol

Orb Fragment (2)


Saltah'na Clock (2)

Shakaar Edon

Symbiont Diagnosis

The Walls Have Ears (2)

Tora Ziyal (2)


U.S.S. Yangtzee Kiang

Vedek Winn (2)

That's all for now. Check out my needs page.