Hello all of you out there in STCCG land. I am William T. Riker (Eric S. Goodhart) and I am glad to see that you care enough to view my guestbook. I wish you many years of STCCG playing and collecting, and hey, I'll see you out there somewhere. Remember "Have fun and boldly go where life takes you."

William T. Riker

keith sidebottom - 01/20/00 19:24:38

T'Pal & K'Elva - 10/01/99 19:06:28
My Email:onari_yif@hotmail.com
Favorite STCCG Personnel: K'Ehleyr, Alexander Rozhenko, Lal
Favorite STCCG Ship: U.S.S Enterprise D 1701
Favorite STCCG Artifact: Datas head
Favorite STCCG Event: Q net
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: Wesley gets the point.
Any body out there??? MAIL US!!!! Nice site... Good cards... Long life and happynes Qapla...

Amy Zanelli - 09/28/99 19:25:00
My Email:Siennablaze03@hotmail.com, Ryoko03@eden.rutgers.edu
Hello! kick ass site dude! when you gonna teach me how to play!

Rene' St.Clair - 08/16/99 06:02:42
Hi sweetie! Whatz up in up world?

Barbara - 07/31/99 12:50:04
hmmmmmmmm.........cheese. Yes, cheese is a wonderful thing. Where would all the mice and stoners of the world be without cheese? It's the world's perfect food. If everyone ate cheese, the world would be in perfect harmony, there would be no wars, no ri ts, why, there would be no violence at all. Everyone would just sit down with a nice cheese sandwich and reminice about "the good old days". I think maybe christ was reincarnated as cheese to bring the world together with one common love. cheese is goo .

Lauren - 07/27/99 03:50:24
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nj2/LiLG444/index.html
My Email:LiLG444@aol.com
Favorite STCCG Personnel: ummmm
Favorite STCCG Ship: ughhhhh
Favorite STCCG Artifact: Hey Im 16
Favorite STCCG Event: ur a dork
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: ur like crack head
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: ew lie to dave much! grrr
Howdey, hey ur a dork just lie to your best friend. Well atleast he wont get close to me cause im frickin 16 grrr, no no dont talk to me, grrrrr. Love Lauren (the Bradlees chic). i am married to Mr bradlees

10/16/98 09:22:59
Name: Bad Bunny My URL: Visit Me
My Email: Email Me

Just surfing. Thanks.

Doctor Bashir - 10/08/98 14:42:02
My URL:/Area51/Station/3253
My Email:RRoufai@Luc.Edu
Favorite STCCG Personnel: Data
Favorite STCCG Ship: Enterprise -D/Darmok
Favorite STCCG Artifact: Ressikan Flute
Favorite STCCG Event: Depends on deck.
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: Depends on deck.
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: Regenerate
Hi, In case of a quiz, I am visitor 309 :) Just dropped in to see your site and I must say it is pretty good. The rooms you have set up are very well organized, and suit many people's needs. Well, keep up the good work.
Doctor Bashir

dad - 10/07/98 12:34:13
My URL:http://n2zxf
My Email:reg@chesapeake.com
Favorite STCCG Personnel: data
Favorite STCCG Ship: Enterprise

Cindy - 09/24/98 09:32:39
My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy
My Email:cinth@usa.net
comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy

Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 20:15:37
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com

Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!

Kyle Riker - 06/24/98 22:52:13
My URL:http://www.qsl.net/n2zxf
My Email:n2zxf@qsl.net
Favorite STCCG Personnel: Worf, Data
Favorite STCCG Ship: Enterprise
Favorite STCCG Artifact: unknown
Favorite STCCG Event: unknown
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: unknown
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: unknown
Nice job on the book. You have me completely flummuxed. (Baffled). Thought I would return the favor.

lore - 06/21/98 08:53:40
Favorite STCCG Personnel: locutis
Favorite STCCG Ship: u.s.s. stargazer
Favorite STCCG Artifact: kurlan naiskos
Favorite STCCG Event: drag net
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: resistence is futile
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: static warp bubble
best ccg ever

Michael S. Warner - 06/07/98 16:18:59
My Email:Tuvok91331@aol.com
Favorite STCCG Personnel: Worf
Favorite STCCG Ship: USS Enterprise(all)
Favorite STCCG Artifact: Horgahn
Favorite STCCG Event: Red alert
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: Beverly Picard

ambassador Chris Hunter - 04/27/98 21:09:54
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/corridor/4362
My Email:huntercl@slu.edu
Favorite STCCG Personnel: Locutus of Borg
Favorite STCCG Ship: USS Enterprise E
Favorite STCCG Artifact: Persistence of Memory
Favorite STCCG Event: Kivas Fajo- Collector
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: Barclay's Transporter Phobia
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: AU Doorway
Hello :)

DAVID MAXWELL - 04/12/98 02:32:22
Favorite STCCG Personnel: BART SIMPSON
Favorite STCCG Ship: S.S. MINOW
Favorite STCCG Artifact: GUNS
Favorite STCCG Event: BLOW JOBS
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: BIGGIE
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: MAFIA

James Price - 03/04/98 20:43:22

Kerri-Ann Clarke - 02/20/98 22:15:18
My Email:Kerri29@hotmail.com
O.K. I'm here your not Bye

ImQ - 02/15/98 17:20:07
My Email:robbie@rma.edu
I have build interplexing beacon

Pal - 01/04/98 05:49:29
My Email:passando@yahoo.com
Favorite STCCG Personnel: FC - Riker
Favorite STCCG Ship: Enterprise - E
Favorite STCCG Artifact: Magic Carpet Ride OCD
Favorite STCCG Event: Supernova
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: Kevin Uxbridge
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: Kevin Uxbridge

Al Pongratz - 12/31/97 05:32:54
My Email:Rifleman2C@aol.com
Favorite STCCG Personnel: For versatiity, you can't beat a Soong-Type Android...
Favorite STCCG Ship: U.S.S. Nebula
Favorite STCCG Artifact: Interphase Generator (hey, It can do a mission by itself...)
Favorite STCCG Event: "The Line Must be Drawn Here"
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: Wrong Door
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: Plasmadyne Relay
Great work on the skills listings! I did something similiar using Microsoft Access, but it is not nearly as pleasing to the eye as yours... BTW, since you are interested in people's favorites, it might shed some light on their comments if you included "Favorite STCCG affiliation"... Sincerely, Rifleman2C

Mr. Homn - 11/27/97 06:21:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dimension/6086/index.html
My Email:jammon@Primenet.com
Favorite STCCG Personnel: Mr. Homn (Obviously)
Favorite STCCG Ship: Edo Vessel
Favorite STCCG Artifact: None
Favorite STCCG Event: Goddess Of Empathy
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: Alien Groupie
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: None
Cool Page! Add More pix and junk! I'll visit here often!

Commander Valak - 10/26/97 07:33:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Rampart/4059/Valak.html
My Email:rshiflet@ix.netcom.com
Favorite STCCG Personnel: Telek R'Mor
Favorite STCCG Ship: Decius
Favorite STCCG Artifact: Betazoid Gift Box
Favorite STCCG Event: Red Alert
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: Kevin Uxbridge
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: Dathon
Hey WTR, nice page!

Rick Miller - 09/23/97 01:45:23
Favorite STCCG Personnel: Exocomp
Favorite STCCG Ship: Decius
Favorite STCCG Artifact: Kurlan Naiskos
Favorite STCCG Event: Captain's Log
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: Gift of the Tormentor
This is a lot of fun thanks!

PHX - 08/28/97 16:42:09
My Email:rjl1@doc.ic.ac.uk
Favorite STCCG Personnel: K'chiQ
Favorite STCCG Ship: IKC Pagh
Favorite STCCG Artifact: Horgha'hn
Favorite STCCG Event: any Tournament ;)
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: Distortion of S/T continuum
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: Traveller
Like it, but appears a bit strange in places. How about a list of special skills as well, (or did I miss them?) Colours a bit odd.

Flt. Adm. Hewes(Nick Hewes) - 08/11/97 17:49:46
My Email:nick@moscow.com
Favorite STCCG Personnel: Goerdi La Forge
Favorite STCCG Ship: U.S.S. Enterprise-C
Favorite STCCG Artifact: Horgan
Favorite STCCG Event: Red Alert
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: Amanda Rogers
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: Traveller
I would like to see more online gaming becasue I live in a small town so I don't have much competition. However, it has been diffacult to get people to play with.

Ian the mighty Wizard - 08/11/97 03:35:57
My Email:shirov@infocom.com
Favorite STCCG Personnel: Reginald Barclay and William T. Riker
Favorite STCCG Ship: Borg Ship
Favorite STCCG Artifact: Horga H'n (i just cant spel)
Favorite STCCG Event: the world championship (just kidding, red alert)
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: kevin uxbridge
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: red alert
I like your page but you should add some pictures and dream cards. I have about 10 or 15 really good dream cards if you want them just email me. Also try to include some keywords and sign up with excite, yahoo!, and webcrawler, etc. ... anyways, still a n ce site

Nita Shields - 08/08/97 04:34:17
My Email:tristan@wired2.net
Favorite STCCG Personnel: John Doe
Favorite STCCG Ship: Gomtuu
Favorite STCCG Artifact: Data's Head
Favorite STCCG Event: Transfiguration
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: Amanda
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: Full Planet Scan
I like what I've seen so far, but I just entered. I'm looking forward to prowling around in here and also into returning later to see what you've come up with. If you'll e-mail me your mailing address I'll send you that Calamarain you need. Sort of a Q id Pro Quo for being nice enough to send me those Solitaire Rules I requested. Have a great month. Play long and conquer. BIG MAMA HORTA

William T. Riker - 07/30/97 04:47:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Zone/6473
My Email:n2zxf@cybernex.net
Favorite STCCG Personnel: William T. Riker and Data
Favorite STCCG Ship: The Future Enterprise and the I.K.C. Fek'Ihr
Favorite STCCG Artifact: Tox Uthat
Favorite STCCG Event: Lore Returns
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: Rogue Borg Mercenaries and Crosis
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: Q's Tent. Seriously.
Sorry. Now I feel really stupid, but I totally forgot to sign my own guestbook. Well, peace, love, and happiness, and i will see eveyone out there somewhere. William t. Riker

Jennie Bloom - 07/29/97 23:35:03
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/2051
My Email:jenice@geocities.com
Favorite STCCG Personnel: Any female, and William T. Riker, of course! :)
Favorite STCCG Ship: IKC Fek'lhr
Favorite STCCG Artifact: Kurlan Naiskos
Favorite STCCG Event: Red Alert
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: Kevin Uxbridge
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: Bev Crusher and Devidian Door
Hiya Will! Thanks again for signing my guestbook, now I am returning the favor. Don't worry about the HTML, I'm new at it too! Anyways, I'm sure your homepage will be great! Jennie Bloom (AKA Jenice) PS-The baby says WAAAHHH! (i think that means hi)

Kyle Riker - 07/21/97 20:35:26
Favorite STCCG Personnel: Commander Data
Nice job. Keep up the good work.

bot - 07/14/97 15:25:07
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/area51/corridor/8024/
My Email:twinters@isbe.accessus.net
Rachel Garret
Favorite STCCG Ship: IKC FekIhr
Favorite STCCG Artifact: Cryosatellite
Favorite STCCG Event: Raise the Stakes
Favorite STCCG Interrupt: Kevin Uxbridge
Favorite STCCG card in your Q's Tent: ???
Very nice guestbook... I may ask YOUR help on getting one like this!!!

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