This is the home of the Skills Quick Reference Pages!
Here are my Reference pages that I have completed.
I have compiled a beginning to my have/needs lists. Currently only DS9 is listed, but more is to come.
I have opened up two message boards, one for trading, or whatever else you want to use it for (within reasons) and the other to help all of you create and/or refine your ST:CCG decks.
William T. Riker's Message Board!
William T. Riker's Deck Tuning Board
I also have two chat rooms for on-line trading, and one for whatever else. Even though this is a ST:CCG site, my second room may be used for playing any other game on-line.
The on-line Trading room
The other Miscellaneous Room
Here you go. This is to help me know who is coming to my site. You can either Sign My Guestbook or View My Guestbook if you want to see who visits.

These are some of my favorite people in the world. If it wasn't for them, we wouldn't have such a great card game.
This would be the number that you are assigned today. Remember it, I may ask you later.