Welcome to my guestbook. |
Jeremy - 01/03/99 18:54:37
My URL:/Athens/Thebes/7161/
My Email:FranklinM@webtv.net
Favourite Webpage: http://www.TalkCity.com
Favourite Show: X-Files
Favourite Fan Fiction: Friday 13th
How did you find my page?: Banner at the bottom of my page .
Cool site keep up the good work . I will visit often . :) {}xoxox[]::::::::::::><::::::::::::[]xoxox{}
Glen Gorman - 11/25/98 13:33:48
My URL:/heartland/pointe/2972
My Email:fafhrd@nbnet.nb.ca
Favourite Webpage: mine
How did you find my page?: geocities banner
Awsome book list. Ever read the Assassin series by Hobb.
James Leavitt - 11/23/98 23:38:54
My URL:http://www.geocity.com/Broadway/Balcony/7552/
My Email:James_Leavitt_18@hotmail.com
Favourite Webpage: www.wrestlzone.com
Vine - 11/13/98 21:37:20
My URL:http://i.am/the.false.vine
My Email:iamvine at geocities.com
Favourite Webpage: the one I haven't written yet
How did you find my page?: You came up on my GeoGuide. They really do work!
I know what you mean. I was called "Nahna" by my little sister before she could say my name.
Bailey - 10/27/98 19:59:01
My URL:not pertinent
Favourite Webpage: http://ga.to/mmf
How did you find my page?: Geocities' Banner Exchange
I just like to click thru the banners that appear on my own homepage Geoguide. Thought you might like to know it actually is generating traffic for you.
10/16/98 09:22:24
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Kevin McColl - 10/11/98 21:42:27
Favourite Webpage: RPSIG!
Favourite Show: Babylon 5
Favourite Fan Fiction: Stories about fnas? Electrical appliances with stories?
How did you find my page?: Geoguide banner.
Nice start of a page! Hope you find mine useful, if for nothing other than the Sci Fi links...
Nice page! Keep up the good work!
Cindy - 09/24/98 09:31:36 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Nice website, keep up the good work
Baron Cherubim - 08/21/98 02:38:51
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Stargate/7883
My Email:baron_cherubim@hotmail.com
Favourite Webpage: Uh...i DON't know
Favourite Show: Ally Mcbeal and SNL
Favourite Fan Fiction: don't know
How did you find my page?: saw your banner
nice library.
very neatly made.
try to make your pictures load up faster.
go to
then go to the crash course there.
it's typed in small letters.
then click on site optimization.
it'll make it load faster
other than that...impressive
A Beacham - 08/18/98 20:56:30
My URL:http://www.cs.ualberta.ca/~abeacham
My Email:abeacham@cs.ualberta.ca
Favourite Webpage: www.infidels.org
Favourite Show: X-Files
Favourite Fan Fiction: n/a
How did you find my page?: Link from www.geocities.com/Tokyo/1474
Good looking page. If you like fantasy, try something by Guy Gavriel Kay.
Bill Yarnell - 08/16/98 16:49:41
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Dreamworld/2383
My Email:llyr@swbell.net
Favourite Webpage: wcwwrestling.com
Favourite Show: Mummies Alive
Favourite Fan Fiction: Not sure what you mean.
How did you find my page?: Just bouncing around
Nice page. Looks good. I like the links as well.
~Unique~ - 08/09/98 00:23:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/3470
My Email:always_unique@unforgettable.com
Favourite Webpage: too many
How did you find my page?: nice
Very nice job on your site. I enjoyed my visit to your cyber home. Thanks for sharing.
as always,
Adriannarose - 07/30/98 22:46:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Bay/2792
My Email:Adriannarose@hotmail.com
Favourite Webpage: My Own!
Favourite Show: Jerry springer Show!haha
Favourite Fan Fiction: XFiles
How did you find my page?: Link Exchange Banner
Nice Page! I see that you are really a Science Fiction Fan! Keep up the good work!
Vary Stark - 07/23/98 16:32:06
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Hills/1342/
My Email:varystark@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: Geoguide
Nifty site...
Mark Parks - 07/22/98 02:27:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Colosseum/Bench/6208/
My Email:parksm@swbell.net
Favourite Webpage: Yours
Favourite Show: star trek
How did you find my page?: banner
I love your page. Please visit mine and sign the guestbook it would really mean a lot to me.
Gordon - 07/21/98 01:50:03
My URL:http://www.Geocities.com/SouthBeach/Boarrdwalk/9795
My Email:frostyone@hotmail.com
Favourite Webpage: www.Beastieboys.com
Favourite Show: South Park
How did you find my page?: Geocities
Nice page.Please visit mine and sign the guestbook.
Colette - 07/18/98 19:25:38
My URL:http://move.to/visions_colette
My Email:icebox26@aol.com
Favourite Webpage: Jen's Page (a friend of mine)
Favourite Show: South Park
Favourite Fan Fiction: what?
How did you find my page?: Through Geocities
Nice page. I don't really watch Sci-fi stuff like that but when i go 2 your page it makes me feel like i'm a fanatic 4 em. Your page rox : )
Mr. Mysterio - 07/12/98 02:42:19
My URL:http://www.mrmysterio.com
My Email:Mr.Mysterio@youknowwhat.com
Favourite Webpage: mine
Favourite Show: The Fishing Channel
Favourite Fan Fiction: hate books
How did you find my page?: Iam Mr. Mysterio I know all things
Mr. Mysterio says your site is very lousy chek mine
Deb (GG in DC) - 07/07/98 06:05:57
My URL:http://geocities.com/westhollywood/heights/9079
My Email:debggindc@hotmail.com
Favourite Webpage: too many to decide
Favourite Show: Pretender; Forever Knight
Favourite Fan Fiction: Asimov's Foundation Series; Anything by Mercedes Lackey, especially would love my own Companion
How did you find my page?: Geocities Banner
Not much time for me to watch television lately (too busy with my own "Strange but True" life), so your descriptions were a great help to me. Thanks for sharing.
Amy - 07/03/98 03:43:58
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SouthBeach/Surf/4874
My Email:amjules@juno.com
Favourite Webpage: so many to choose from....
How did you find my page?: Geocities Banner
Nice page. I like it a lot.
Kara Townsend - 07/02/98 20:14:44
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Keshia - 06/30/98 03:42:18
My Email:kdmjbrown@uswest.net
Favourite Webpage: Hard to choose!
Favourite Fan Fiction: I have many.
How did you find my page?: Geo Banner
Nice page. I'll be back!
Pyi Tara - 06/28/98 06:38:27
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/5147
My Email:pyitara@netrover.com
Favourite Webpage: There are too many!
Favourite Show: Pretender
Favourite Fan Fiction: Can't decide ;)
How did you find my page?: GeoBanner
I love fan fiction, as you probably guessed, and I enjoy many of the sources of inspiration for your fiction (eg. Buffy, Profiler), so I have to tell you that I likewise enjoyed your site!
M- ellie - 06/26/98 20:35:05
My Email:xogirl@hotmail.com
Favourite Webpage: www.popstation.com
Favourite Show: NONE
Favourite Fan Fiction: NONE
How did you find my page?: U told me ga ma...
hihi simy, ur homepage is very nice la........but if u can put more pic on it, it will be the best lor.......especially ur own pic la............u know what, I am going to give up on my hp la....since it sux lor......and I don't even want to look at it si
ce it so ugly ........hahahha........oh well, nice work........bybye......
Shoji - 06/19/98 16:50:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Tokyo/Island/5752/
My Email:shoji-i@usa.net
How did you find my page?: Geocities' banner
Nice site!
I enjoyed.
Fred - 06/12/98 19:17:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Station/7872
My Email:wahoo4ever@hotmail.com
Favourite Show: X-files
How did you find my page?: Geocities Banner
How did you design your banner and have it advertised?
Judy G - 06/09/98 23:52:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Lot/1642
My Email:pdgproductions@geocities.com
Favourite Webpage: Juano-- http://www.rit.com/~juano/
Favourite Show: Babylon 5
Favourite Fan Fiction: ???
How did you find my page?: Geocities banner
Cool page! Our page is about a sci fi movie in the making. Check it out!
Katie Moncelsi - 06/08/98 22:12:31
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/8007/
My Email:ustrek@concentric.net
Favourite Webpage: PT Collective
Favourite Show: VOYAGER FACES
Favourite Fan Fiction: Any Torres
How did you find my page?: PT FAN RING
Great Site
Lindsay and Stacey - 06/07/98 15:48:26
My Email:Aliyah40@hotmail.com
Favourite Webpage: none we do not like naked women
Favourite Show: none
Favourite Fan Fiction: none
How did you find my page?: the yahoo pager
Hi Dan its Mya and Lindsay we would like your page better if you added more naked black guys instead of all girls!
Much Love Lindsay
Evangelisti paolo - 06/05/98 10:09:25
My Email:evangelisti.paolo@usa.net
Favourite Webpage: hangar18
Favourite Show: everything concerning SF and fantasy
How did you find my page?: searching on geocities for fantasy stuff
I enjoyed myself visiting your site,particularly reading your incomplete fan fictions.As i am italian and as i can speak english quite bad,i found them a bit puzzling,but stilistically superb.I am as you a assionate reader of Eddings' novels,and i wish to
know your opinion about them:do you prefer the Belgariad novels or the Elene ones?Please email me your impressions.
Goodbye and thank you
P.S.sorry for my bad english.
Edo Steinberg - 06/04/98 19:41:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TelevisionCity/7061
My Email:edost@geocities.com
Favourite Webpage: B5 Spoiler Junkies Page
Favourite Show: Babylon 5
Favourite Fan Fiction: "Babylon 5: Vorlon Spirit" - my fan-fiction story
How did you find my page?: A banner
Cool page.
Jeremy Gallen - 06/01/98 12:48:06
My URL:http://come.to/kingofthehill/
My Email:jmgallen@geocities.com
Favourite Webpage: Mine
Favourite Show: King of the Hill
Favourite Fan Fiction: I dunno.
How did you find my page?: Geoguide Banner
Nice page you have here. Come see mine, sign my guestbook, keep coming back (if you like it), and tell at least two of your friends about my page (if you like it, that is). Thanks, Jeremy Gallen.
Anamarija - 06/01/98 04:03:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Flats/1225
My Email:akalinovcic@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: Nice page with many interesting links!
Cool-26 - 05/29/98 21:36:02
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/9863/
My Email:coolpenguin26@hotmail.com
Favourite Webpage: mine and jeni's ( http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/9874
Favourite Show: South Park
Favourite Fan Fiction: -----
How did you find my page?: a banner
Nice layout! visit my page. Your page has got a lot to say, and it says it all! Do you mind if I make a link to it from my page? E-mail me about it.
Arkali - 05/28/98 14:13:24
My URL:/TimesSquare/Arena/9422
My Email:lillian@bayou.com
Favourite Webpage: hmmm.....The Widow's Web http://www.widowsweb.com
Favourite Show: Babylon 5
Favourite Fan Fiction: ahh......too much thought..not enuff coffee yet
How did you find my page?: geocities banner
I absolutely loved your library hun. I think the Anita Baker (hope I spelt it right, as I said, not nearly enough coffee yet) novels will require a trip to the bookstore :P
![]() |
Lori Baranishyn - 05/26/98 01:11:21
My Email:Thebombmom@mailexcite.com
Favourite Webpage: Yours
Favourite Show: None
Favourite Fan Fiction: None
How did you find my page?: Friend sent it.
The bubble wrap was very cool. Very cool. Thanks.
terigaby - 05/23/98 06:51:42
My URL:http://www.fortunecity.com/boozers/ship/131/
My Email:terigaby@theglobe.com
Favourite Webpage: mine!
How did you find my page?: surfin' surfin' and more surfin'
Great pages!!!!!
james - 05/18/98 23:33:57
My URL:http://netscape.com
My Email:marty13@hotmail.com
Favourite Webpage: torry's
Favourite Show: southpark
Favourite Fan Fiction: kenny
How did you find my page?: torry
it is a nice web page
Jesse - 05/17/98 16:45:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Ring/3791
My Email:jessemn@yahoo.com
Favourite Show: South Park
How did you find my page?: Banner
Your Page Rocks!! I'll Come back Later
Bob Krautner - 05/15/98 15:43:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/~bobandjudy
My Email:canny1@hotkey.net.au
Favourite Webpage: www.country.com
Favourite Show: Star Trek: TNG
Favourite Fan Fiction: Scully and Mulder Romance
How did you find my page?: Geocities Banner
Excellent work and layout. I like the way your mind works. I'll have to come back from time to time and check out what's happening. Good Luck!
Bill Leisy - 05/15/98 08:40:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shadowlands/3331
My Email:bwleisy@ricochet.net
Favourite Webpage: http://www.ohmygoodness.com
Favourite Show: Star Trek The Next Generation
Favourite Fan Fiction: Fallen Angels
How did you find my page?: Geoguide
Great work.
Take it from a professional designer.
Edward Siteman - 05/15/98 05:17:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Pointe/5646/
My Email:x291er@hotmail.com
Favourite Show: Star Trek/DS9/Voyaguer
How did you find my page?: Geo Banner
Nice Site. Enjoy checking on people with the same interest as mine. Please visit my page.
Tony - 05/15/98 01:12:18
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Shire/9166/
My Email:alligator77002@yahoo.com
Favourite Webpage: Mine
Favourite Show: Star Trek
Favourite Fan Fiction: Science ??
How did you find my page?: GeoBanner
Banner surf'n and caught your wave .
Bo_zurk - 05/14/98 02:02:01
My Email:it104@twp.ac.nz
Favourite Webpage: www.midwinter.com
How did you find my page?: Banner
To those who may be interested, pre-production filming began over here in New Zealand on The Hobbit recently. Peter Jackson is directing it, and it will have a fairly substantial budget. An absolute minimum estimate is at the moment $20 million. I have
a feeling that the boys at Weta EFX will be providing the visual effects.
Top page by the way. Great advertising campaign.
Jolie - 05/13/98 12:12:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Estates/6277/
My Email:jlw1269@yahoo.com
Favourite Webpage: http://www.thecoffeehouse.com
Favourite Show: Seinfeld
How did you find my page?: Your banner was on the geoguide on my page.
~t-bear~ - 05/09/98 20:40:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/6802
My Email:t_bearie@hotmail.com
How did you find my page?: The geoguide
great page! I loved the links and am still looking around!
Frodo - 05/08/98 21:00:27
My URL:/Area51/Shire/3759
My Email:_frodo_@cheerful.com
Favourite Webpage: www.nintendo.com
Favourite Show: The Simpsons
Favourite Fan Fiction: J.R.R.Tolkien
How did you find my page?: Banner
hey, groovy page! i like.....
this is a awesome page!
Leon - 05/07/98 00:56:04
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/TimesSquare/Battlefield/9264/index.html
My Email:ewaicz@aol.com
Favourite Webpage: My Own
Favourite Show: The Simpsons
Favourite Fan Fiction: A Seperate Peace
How did you find my page?: Click through on Geocities Banner Exchange
More Graphics would be nice I have a links page that has links to some really good animation sites
Ana Tirolese - 05/06/98 13:21:33
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/Museum/9312/
My Email:tirolese@hotmail.com
Favourite Webpage: http://www.unitedmedia.com/comics/forbetter/ab.html
Favourite Show: Star-Trek (Any version)
How did you find my page?: Geocities Banner Exchange
I am looking forward to coming back and see what else you have done to this page. Please come visit me too and don't forget to sign my guestbook. Thanks.
Dani - 05/06/98 04:12:36
My URL:http://members.aol.com/ohdanigrl/danipage.htm
My Email:ohdanigrl@aol.com
Favourite Webpage: Too Many to list!
Favourite Show: oooh - not really a TV buff!
How did you find my page?: some Banner link or another
Hi Meana - I enjoyed my visit to your page. I like the relationships page. Cute - I never knew they had webrings for that. I'll check back again and see if you have added anything new.
(I am interested in how you got the nickname of Meana from Amanda?)
Take Care
Denise Fawdrey - 03/06/98 22:08:24
My URL:http://www.geocities.com
My Email:alpha@servtech.com
How did you find my page?: Search for Laurell K. Hamilton
I like you site for I was able to find four more books by the author.
Jill - 03/03/98 01:45:48
My URL:http://members.aol.com/JADannay/index.html
My Email:JADannay@AOL.com
Favourite Show: Star Trek: Voyager
How did you find my page?: Webring
Well. I just read your story, "Fear", the DS9 one. I really, really liked it. So... why don't you write some more... and make me really, really happy??? OK?
Chaim - 07/09/97 18:33:30 GMT
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/oh/theamazingpage/index.html
My Email:dauerman@ix.netcom.c
Favourite Webpage: the IMDb (and my web page because it's AMAZING!!!)
Favourite Show: Homicide: Life on the Streets
How did you find my page?: A link from Lily's Jubilee page
Looks nice so far
I'll come back to see more later. Feel free to drop by my page any time!
And don't forget to sign the guestbook.
Lily Ponds - 07/06/97 17:56:25 GMT
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Zone/3783
My Email:lilyponds@hotmail.com
Show: Star Trek : Voyager
How did you find my page?: You gave me the address!
Wow! Your page gets better every time I visit!
I love the P/T fanfic. Don't worry, I'll be back! :^) Lil
Melanie Torpey - 06/25/97 21:48:43 GMT
My Email:torpey@discover.net
Favourite Show: Sar Trek Voyager
How did you find my page?: You told me!!
Mina, I l
ke your page and I like how you changed your guest book.
JulieE - 06/25/97 15:28:29 GMT
My URL:http://www.barmaton.nl/julie/
My Email:jellison@netmcr.com
Favourite Webpage: JulieE's mIRC Pag
How did you find my page?: link from another guestbook