About ME

This page is here just because I thought I needed a whole page dedicated to me.....well, I'm kidding. It's just a sneak peek into the workings of my mind and all that makes up me.

My Grad pic

Well, this is me. This pic was taken in 1998, on the day I graduated from high school. It's kinda badly scanned, but maybe it looks better that way!

This is me and Charli, my little Sweeheart, taken the same day. I love her to bits! I miss her so much now that I live so far away!!

Charli and Me

Jenny, Glen and myself

This is also me, on the right, with my friends Jenny and Glen taken June 26, 1998.

My friends are probably some of the most important people in my life. Derek, Keith, and Jenny all have their own pages. I miss them all so much! Derek now lives in Calgary, and although Keith is in Regina, I don't get the chance to see him all that often. Jenny and Glen, my partners in crime, famous for the Silver Bullet, Cecilia, Mountian Dew slurpees, movie nights and excursions to Weyburn. Glen lives in Regina and unfortunately (I'm kidding), I get to see him a bit. Jenny is still enjoying the life of a high school student. My bestest friend in the whole world, Sarah, lives in Battleford, Sask. Then there is Jocelyn, Carrie, Aaron and Danielle (my homies!!). Although I've just met them in University, I couldn't do without them! I would gladly give any of them my life! And of course, I couldn't be without Jill and Ang, who prove that even working at Dairy Queen can be fun!!

This is an older pic of Carrie, Jocelyn and Myself.....just having a little bit of girlie fun!

more homies

This is Homie Aaron....He's a tried and true homie.....any of you homies are interested....feel free to contact me!

This is me with my sisters, Kathryn and Heather

My sisters

The other people who pretty much complete me are my Family, which consists of five people, my Mum and Dad, and two sisters. Heather is 14 and is in Grade Nine. My older sister, Kathryn, is 20, and lives in Edmonton. She is a third year Political Science major at the U of A. And myself, I am 18, and am in my second year of university at the University of Regina.