
Page began:
May 29, 1997
Welcome to
the Transformers Collector. This site is dedicated to the Transformers
action-figures and the hobby of collecting them. You'll find information
on the figures themselves, Transformers collectibles and merchandise, and
much more dealing with the Robots in Disguise. If this is your first time
here, check out the Transformers Collector "Welcome" and "FAQ" sections
to get the scoop on this page and the TF hobby. Then choose a TF
Generation (via the navigation bar to the left) and off to Teletran 1 you
go. I hope you enjoy your stay here and thanks for stopping by.....I really
appreciate your visit!!!!
**Thank you very much for your support of the Transformers Collector website. I began it in 1997 when I was heavily collecting figures (the fan response as well as the ToyFair Magazine award has made it worth while). It was one of the "first" toy/figure only sites on the 'net at the time. Since then, the Transformers lore and popularity online has grown, and that is a wonderful thing!!
Unfortunately, I am unable to maintain this site and also am not currently collecting. I will keep the site up for archival purposes. You'll find information on figures from G1 - the second to last year of Beast Wars. I'm still around, so feel free to contact me. Thanks again for your continued support and love. May the Transformers live on...............September 2000**
Archived updates are available here!
January 12, 1998