*As you walk down a stone path you are met by a young girl. She is small and has pointed ears. She also has blond hair in a headband and large blue eyes. She smiles and bows to you* Greetings traveler. I am Moukat, keeper of the Ky'Son Clan stables. It is here that I look after all of the steeds and mounts of the Ky'Son Clan, especially Gitana's. Gitana is our leader and this is her mansion. Feel free to look around and pet the horses if you want, but be careful some of them have an attitude.*the half woodelf half human girl turns and begins walking towards the back. You walk inside a large barn and look around.*

Your eyes adjust to the sudden light change and you look around. there are three rooms:Tackroom,Stables, and the tack up stalls

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