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For over 30 years, Spider-Man has been one of the world's most popular superhero, wielding his amazing spider-powers and web-slinging weaponry in breathtaking battles with fearsome, larger-than-life foes like Venom, The Lizard, and Scorpion. As created by Stan Lee, The Amazing Spider-Man was the first comic book to present the Superhero as Everyman.

This series asks what would really happen if an ordinary guy got super-powers? The ordinary guy is Peter Parker, a nineteen-year-old student from Forest Hills, New York. And despite his ability to crawl straight up walls with the strength, speed, and agility of a spider, he still can't remember when he makes a date with Mary Jane or keep from catching the common cold. Even with his near-clairvoyant spider-sense, he can't find his socks and misplaces his camera.

Spider-Man is coming-of-age story of Peter Parker who is learning that true heroism lies less in deeds of valor than in the simple act of getting through the day without compromising his principles or hurting his loved ones.

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Spider-Man was first introduced in the comic Amazing Fantasy #15 (August 1962). Peter Parker, a Senior at Midtown High School, and received his powers when he was bitten by a radioactive spider in a science demonstration. This bite endowed him with the proportional strength and agility of a spider along with a keen "spider sense". After discovering these powers Peter hires an agent and tries to make some money in television. One time he had the chance to catch a burglar fleeing from the T.V. studio, but he refused because he didn't think he should try and be a hero. A few days later the aforementioned burglar killed his Uncle Ben. That night, as Spider-Man, Peter thinks about the murderer of his beloved uncle but is plagued with guilt, thinking that if he would have stopped the burglar when he first saw him his Uncle Ben would still be alive.
During his time, Peter remembers something Uncle Ben once told him, "With great power, come great responsibilities." Peter took this to heart and decided he should use his extraordinary powers for good instead for selfish reasons. Then he remembered this theme and became Spiderman.

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Spiderman Movie:

March 1, Sony Pictures Entertainment and Marvel Enterprises, Inc. have signed an agreement that sets the stage for launching a Spider-Man filmed entertainment movie. The agreement will let SPE and Marvel to produce motion pictures and television series based on the Spider-Man character. Marvel and SPE also have established a joint venture to exploit picture-related and series-related merchandise. The announcement of the agreement was made by SPE Chairman and CEO John Calley and Marvel Enterprises President and CEO Eric Ellenbogen and Chief Creative Officer Avi Arad.
"This is a great day for the studio," said SPE's Mr. Calley. "I am delighted that we will be able to bring this long sought after comic book hero to the world of Sony film and television entertainment."
"Spider-Man is the crown jewel of Marvel's vast character library," noted Mr. Eric Ellenbogen. "Our pact with Sony is a giant step forward in leveraging Marvel content to the fullest across all media. I can't imagine a more momentous new beginning for our company."
Marvel's Arad added, "In Sony we have a partner who completely understands the unlimited potential of Spider-Man. I couldn't be more pleased with the enthusiasm and direction of Sony's creative team." Along with Marvel chairman emeritus Stan Lee and Mr. Ellenbogen, Mr. Arad will serve as executive producer of all Spider-Man film and television projects. "We couldn't be happier at long last, to bring this popular character to the big screen to the delight of audiences around the world," said Amy Pascal, president of Columbia Pictures.
"Our worldwide marketing and merchandising operation is looking forward to working with Marvel in creating an innovative program for this exciting franchise," said Bob Levin, president of worldwide marketing for SPE.
"We have been working closely with Marvel for some time to develop a framework for a broad based relationship on Marvel's library of characters. We are happy to see this dialogue bear fruit in the form of Spider-Man and look forward to our partnership in the years ahead," said Yair Landau, executive vice president, corporate development and strategic planning.
In making the announcement, Mrs. Calley and Ellenbogen also noted that the pending lawsuits between the two companies over Spider-Man have ended and all claims have been settled between both parties. In addition, the disputes between Marvel, SPE and MGM on this matter have been resolved.
Sony Pictures Entertainment's global operations encompass motion picture production and distribution, television programming and syndication, home video acquisition and distribution, operation of studio facilities, development of new entertainment technologies and distribution of filmed entertainment in 67 countries. Sony Pictures Entertainment can be found on the World Wide Web at
Marvel Enterprises, Inc. is one of the world's leading entertainment companies with operations in the licensing, comic book publishing and toy businesses. The company was formed on October 1, 1998 upon the emergence of Marvel Entertainment Group, Inc. from bankruptcy and its merger with Toy Biz, Inc. Through its ownership of over 3,500 proprietary characters, the company has published comic books for over 60 years in over 70 countries. Marvel licenses the right to use its characters in a wide range of consumer products such as video games, interactive software and apparel, as well as for television series and feature films. For additional company information, visit the company's corporate web site

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