To combat those threats against which no
hero could stand alone, Earth's Mightiest Heroes forged a
covenant to unite in battle to protect all mankind. Now,
from a second base of operations, a new chapter in their
legend is being written.
Scott Chamberlain presents... Avengers West Coast Homepage!
The West Coast Avengers Homepage! |
Welcome to the first ever homepage dedicated to that
wonderful creation from Mighty Marvel known as the West
Coast Avengers. A comic book series that ran from 1984 to
1994 and featured many great and stunning epics of the
Western branch of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, the Avengers.
In the coming months, many hightlights and features concerning the WCA, or "Whackos" will be added, so check back often.
In the meatime, if you have questions or comments, or would
enjoy seeing new features added here, tell me all about it
by e-mailing me! Thanks!
Annotated AWC
AWC Annotations |
An exhaustive look at the entire WCA/AWC series. From WCA LS #1 to AWC #102. Also, comments and grades on storylines. | |
Appearances Index | |
A listing of every character in the Marvel Universe who has made an appearance in a WCA/AWC comic. Issue numbers are given for reference. | |
Character Guide | |
Character profiles of the entire Whackos membership. From Darkhawk to Wonder Man. | |
Attractions | |
Catch a sneak preview of what's soon coming to the AWC Homepage! | |
Cover Gallery | |
Selected covers from WCA/AWC comics on display here. Also, check out the highlighted "Cover of the Month". | |
Fiction | |
The Avengers West Coast live agan! Thrill to the new adventures of the Whackos as they continue on in the form of fanfic. Written by Yours Truly, as well as others. | |
Links | |
Check out other websites dedicated to the Avengers and their related characters! | |
News &
Notes | |
Click here to see new things happening for the Avengers. Both here and elsewhere in comicdom and cyberspace. | |
"The Quotable Whackos" | |
Humorous and important sayings from AWC members. Issue numbers given for reference. | |
Site Contributors | |
Herein lie the honored names of the "Whacko-nuts". People without whom I never would have made this site. |
You are Whacko number
to assemble here since
May 14, 1998
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