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About me:

This is me, reader, Star Wars freak, Boy Scout.

I am a 14 year old kid, formerly of Kealing Jr. High and now of LBJ High. I have studied German for 2 1/2 years. It is a cool language, but it could be less diffcult. My Space Science teacher, which is a very cool class (see Space Science link at bottom of page) was Miss. Chittenden. She was a good teacher but not tolerant enouigh for the class. She was still studing to be a teacher and as she got farther along in her studies, the class got worse. Hmm.... My favorite teacher at Kealing was Mr. Tyson. He was a prominate bezerker and my teacher for two years. In '95 he tought my English class, and Ty, Nima and I built a model Empire with us as leaders. Last year he tought my Newspaper class, and we spent many an hour debating politics with me. He is really cool, and a JFK assanation freak.

I love:

I also like David Eddings who is one of the best Fantasy Authors around

And J.R.R. Tolkien who defined the subject of Fantasy:

And Tom Clancy who defined the Techno-Thriller.

I am a Star Scout in Troop 88 (8T8)

And am a semi devotee of Crawfish Bob, God of Kealing

and Patron Saint of Caffiene.

Now For the Other pages:



Space Science

Star Wars

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