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- hi, i'm rubberella, a 22-year old photo student. i have many interests, including science fiction costumes and rubber fetishwear. some of my fantasies and fetishes involve a sci-fi slant. in other words, besides Catwoman, the favorite of many fetishists, i also love Barbarella, sexy robots, alien girls, and space vampires. i am also interested in total body coverage in rubber, and if i had the means, i would design exotic rubber fetishwear enabling myself to be transformed into a sexy rubber alien goddess (see the fantasy section for more about that).
NEW PARAGRAPH: this page has had a whole lot of visitors, to my surprise! i'm glad to see so much interest, but let me state that i am NOT looking for proposals of marriage, significant othership, boyfriends, girlfriends, masters, slaves, etc. though nice offers of rubber clothing and (some) pictures are very welcome. comments can be emailed to rubberella@hotmail.com the oft-promised pictures of me will appear sooner than later. a couple new pictures and one new fantasy have been added for Halloween!
one quick note: this page is not intended to be pornographic or contain any pictures that include nudity or overt sexual themes. however, there is a certain adult undercurrent throughout my stories and possibly some of the links. therefore i ask that those under 18 refrain from viewing this site. thanks!!
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