As in most Squaresoft Role Playing Games magic is a key part of the game. But like Final Fantasy III in Final Fantasy VII there is a major magical element that you must equip to use. Materia is the major magical element of Final Fantasy VII such as Espers were in Final Fantasy III. Materia was created in the Shinra's Makoro Reactors and is a form of crystalized energy.

Materia could be descibed as a combination of Espers and Relics from Final Fantasy III. Materia Orbs must be equiped and they augment your characters abilities. As you gain experience, your Materia will gain levels and give you greater powers. When a Materia Orb reaches it's maximum level it will duplicate itself so that you can give the diplicate to another character. The duplicate is only at level one though. Do not equip the twp of the same Materia to one character for only one will gain experiance. You equip Materia by placing them in holes on your weapons and accessories. The amount of Materia that you can equip depends on the different holes that you have.

There are two types of Materia Holders that are on weapons and other pieces of equipment.

Materia comes in many different forms...

Later I hope to include a list of Materia...

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