gWeNdY - 12/17/00 08:24:07 My Email:gwendy@u2fan.netFavorite Cheese: PANELA Occupation: ZUPERGIRL
Comments: HOLA!!!! creo ke no hay nada en español asi ke, ya es hora,, no?? BUeno pues no se ni kien eres, nadamas se ke te gusta U2!! hehe x ke lei tu historia en y pues entre a tu pagina. Hmm y pues es padre saber de gente ke comprata tus mismos gustos, en este caso la admiracion por U2.. Por ke me encantan!! los amooo. son lo mejor!!! y pues.. nadamas x ke hay un tipo de hermandad entre todos los fans de U2 y siguele echando ganas!!. suerte!!!! i also speak english but im too leazy to do it. hahaha write me!!!!!!! see yaa gWeNdY - 12/17/00 08:20:30 My Email:gwendy@u2fan.netFavorite Cheese: PANELA Occupation: ZUPERGIRL
Comments: HOLA!!!! creo ke no hay nada en español asi ke, ya es hora,, no?? BUeno pues no se ni kien eres, nadamas se ke te gusta U2!! hehe x ke lei tu historia en y pues entre a tu pagina. Hmm y pues es padre saber de gente ke comprata tus mismos gu tos, en este caso la admiracion por U2.. Por ke me encantan!! los amooo. son lo mejor!!! y pues.. nadamas x ke hay un tipo de hermandad entre todos los fans de U2 y siguele echando ganas!!. suerte!!!! i also speak english but im too leazy to do it. hahaha write me!!!!!!! see yaa G AND V - 10/05/00 13:39:07 Favorite Cheese: JARLSBERG Occupation: DESIGN/TEACH/ETC
Comments: Dear Mars, Sorry this took so long for me to say but it's not always easy to reach out to fans. I truly enjoyed the work you gave me, though. And I was touched by it on many levels. I've also witnessed the ugliness that passes for fandom on Usenet. Mars, it's like t e song says...don't let the bastards grind you down.
Bono mars - 07/30/00 21:34:05 My URL:http://here My Email:yesFavorite Cheese: laughing cow Occupation: A.N.
Comments: Oh Bill! I'm gonna miss you so much when you're out of office. You promise to come by and see me now and then, okay? marsie Bill Clinton - 06/12/00 13:41:46 My URL: Occupation: lame duck
Comments: hi darlin' Alex - 04/11/00 08:43:07 My URL: My Email:balloonp@yahoo.comFavorite Cheese: Swiss Cheese Occupation: Oracle DBA
Comments: Success is getting what you want. Happiness is liking what you get. Laura - 04/11/00 03:07:08 My URL: Favorite Cheese: monterey jack
Comments: you're pictures are AWESOME!!! i especially like the angel stuff. and the 'so cruel' picture, the hands are ... perfect. angel of Dublin!!!!!! Laura - 04/11/00 03:01:28 My URL: Favorite Cheese: monterey jack
Comments: you're pictures are AWESOME!!! i especially like the angel stuff. and the 'so cruel' picture, the hands are ... perfect. angel of Dublin!!!!!! G & V - 04/03/00 16:33:47 My Email:gmobley@ndm.eduFavorite Cheese: jarlsssberg light Occupation: teach/design/tennis
Comments: Thanks, Sally for the tip about free paper at White Rose. We went out that afternoon and acquired large papers and boxes of envelopes. Wish we had more storage and/or a truck. Keep us informed of other opportunities. University of Baltimore is having an i teresting 2-day program on design soon. Love, G & V G & V - 03/20/00 14:25:20 My Email:gmobley@ndm.eduFavorite Cheese: Jarlsberg still Occupation: Jills of all trades
Comments: Thanks for your e-mail, Sally. Please send us some copies of your program guide. Do you do the newspaper ads? Have a wonderful, inspiring time in Spain. Sister Theresa Lamy, SSND, is leading a tour of Spain, but we don’t know the dates. Did you know that e were treated to 6 days in London and 6 days in Paris in January. How we loved it! Miss you dropping in. Love and prayers, G & V Gerold & Vincent - 03/15/00 18:54:30 My Email:gmobley@ndm.eduFavorite Cheese: jarlsberg Occupation: designer/teacher
Comments: miss you! love your site mars tokyo - 03/13/00 01:44:49
Comments: Thanks singing zooropa boy!!! Your MOFO gallery is very cool---I'm happy to have inspired you! mars ZooropaBoySings - 03/05/00 14:06:54 My URL: My Email:zooropaboysings@hotmail.comFavorite Cheese: gruyere Occupation: unknown
Comments: I told you I'd be back. The Mofo Gallery's inspiration began here. Sha La! love ya, ZooropaBoySings The Mofo Gallery Tucson, Arizona USA stigge - 02/08/00 19:37:22 My URL: My Email:stigge@honk.honkFavorite Cheese: Toe Occupation: Homeless Philanthropist
Comments: It's a secret. MOU AH HA HA HAHAHA! mars - 02/05/00 00:39:53 My Email:marstkyo@erols.comFavorite Cheese: Yoo Hoo Occupation: prison reformer
Comments: STIGGE!!!! How did you get your message to blink???? marstokyo - 02/05/00 00:37:57 My URL:http://here My Email:marstkyo@erols.comFavorite Cheese: CHEDDAR Occupation: prison reformer
Comments: STIGGE!!!! HOW DID YOU GET YOUR MESSAGE TO BLINK LIKE THAT???? stigge - 01/31/00 19:16:44 My URL:http://i.don' My Email:it's@secretFavorite Cheese: Stale Occupation: Fish breeder and house painter
Comments: I, like, visited your site and, like, stuff.So there, too. kris MRS - 01/30/00 11:53:36 My URL: My Email:kris_mrs@hotmail.comFavorite Cheese: 64 slices of american cheese Occupation: professional arsehole
Comments: Hey man, it just gets better and better every time I come back here. Sorry I haven't got something to say about politics or U2 but, well, you know how it is. Keep it up. "one more for the dreamers, yeah" Susan E. Wahl - 01/13/00 15:52:27 My Email:swahl@bop.orgFavorite Cheese: mozerlla Occupation: graphic designer
Comments: great sally! i finally got to visit your wedsite! i hope all is well with you! keep in touch. susan suzy hazel - 01/09/00 14:14:05 My Email:suzyhazel@webtv.netFavorite Cheese: provolone Occupation: martha stewart clone
Comments: Sally please send me your e-mail address, we just got connected via WEBTV! - 01/06/00 04:57:53
Comments: courtney - 12/25/99 19:03:51 My Email:hi you are my favorite bandFavorite Cheese: american Occupation: i like to sit around and listen to your music
Comments: COURTNEY - 12/25/99 19:01:32 Favorite Cheese: american
Comments: smartwooll - 12/20/99 18:21:42 My Email:smartwooll@yahoo.comFavorite Cheese: Gjetost Occupation: don't ask me that today
Comments: Gee Sally, the last time I heard from you, you had sent me a catalog and encouraged me that there could be art in Indiana!! Fast forward to me spending last night sticking Curtis Uyeda stamps to blocks of wood. At least I got r.s. into my life before th world ends!! Love mars tokyo - 12/01/99 19:55:22 My URL:http://here Occupation: bookie/ i make books
Comments: Thank you Steph and Tim for visiting my site and signing the guest book. Your kind words have warmed my heart today! Ma stephie wephie woo - 12/01/99 19:36:14 My URL: My Email:stephie9682@aol.comFavorite Cheese: the areosol form Occupation: boldly ging where no girl has gone before
Comments: MARS! MARS! the one i admire so! i'm so goddamn sweet i finally decided to sign your guestbook. i love being pathetic. Tim "Zooropaboysings" Grinnell - 11/24/99 15:06:37 My Email:fixxme4923@aol.comFavorite Cheese: gruyere Occupation: soon to be announced
Comments: Hello there MarsTokyo, Your U2 artwork is quite impressive. I have learned from you and now I am better equipped to produce a webpage of my own. Inspiriation. You have given me inspiration. Anata wa americajin des ka? Gotta go,...will return again. I applaud you fellow U2 fan. Keep up the good work. It is worthy..... blessings, Zooropaboysings (PlutoTucson?) - 10/27/99 02:45:50
Comments: u r sick starfire - 10/24/99 05:06:48 Favorite Cheese: the "cheese" thread, that was pretty cheesy Occupation: U2SexSlave, guru, firestarter, woman warrior, bellydancer
Comments: Hey Mars! The page is lookin' mighty fine. Can I ask if what fuels the religious imagery in your work is mainly U2, or personal conflicts as well? Love your works, and tell Stuffy that the U2SS Van of Crazies is *coming*, tounge in cheek or not! *grin Cheers! marstokyo - 10/23/99 14:36:24 My Email:marstkyo@erols.comFavorite Cheese: smoking gouda Occupation: cheese maker
Comments: Hey Pezzie Girl-- the answer to your question is Yes. pezgirl - 10/21/99 00:47:09 My Email:pezgirl@erols.comFavorite Cheese: Jarlsburg Occupation: Wimzie character actor
Comments: What's with all this macaroni & cheese and grilled cheese stuff, why do so many people eat so much cheese in this town? We aren't the dairy state! yet I hear people say repeatedly: Have a hunk of cheese, hon. mars tokyo - 10/09/99 00:45:14 My Email:marstkyo@erols.comFavorite Cheese: head Occupation: counting flies on cow dung
Comments: Thank you Mr. President, for stopping by again. And for doing what you have for the cause of forgiving Third World Debt. You have my gratitude and my greatest respect. Tell Hillary not to worry about New York. And tell Chelsea I'm sending her the book she asked about.Sincerely, SDM William Jefferson Clinton - 10/07/99 21:41:12 My URL: Favorite Cheese: cracker barrel Occupation: Leader of the Free World
Comments: Dear Sally, I want to thank you for your support of my policies the past 7 years and acknowledge your recent interest in the campaign to drop Third World debt. You'll be pleased to know that I have begun the steps necessary to accomplish that and am hopin that other World Leaders will follow suit.Hillary and Chelsea send their best regards. Yours truly, Bill. P.S. Did you have to bring back Monica? mars tokyo - 10/07/99 19:12:55 My URL:http://here My Email:marstokyoFavorite Cheese: cream
Comments: Richard-- thank you for your analysis. It's wonderful to have viewers who take the time to think over the images and interpret a meaning for themselves! That's how the music of U2 affects me. It makes me think, of images, and meanings, and combinations therein. The U2 Sexslave thing (I take it you're referring to the Van) is a fantasy image-- yes I'm being ironic (in a way)--it's a concept that is mostly tongue in cheek--because I and a group of friends I've met online have dedicated ourselves as U2 Sex laves --we don't mean that in the literal sense (though some might disagree)--it's just a degree of devotion we'd like to get across, plus the fact that certain band members just have an undeniable sex appeal. Richard B. Tomkosky - 10/07/99 18:55:27 My Email:rbtomkosky@yahoo.comOccupation: a Catholic seminarian
Comments: The devotions page is interesting. The playboy mansion one especially, especially the macabre image of the angel of death welcoming whoever enters- for the playboy mansion is the symbol of what has went wrong in the West in our focus on pleasure and hedo ism at the expense of our souls and God's truth. In light of that, the sexslaves picture is both inappropriate and out of place- for U2 is the farthest band from that rock and roll cliche. Are you trying to be ironic? Jocelyn Waite - 10/06/99 22:57:31 My Email:QwnBastet@aol.comFavorite Cheese: oh, today it's--Keen's Cheddar from the South of England, because I'm in a crummy mood and need comforting. It will be different tomorrow. Occupation: U2 SexSlave, first and foremost, Overachiever at Mason, Part-time cheesemonger. If I could I'd just make pottery all day and read books on whatever I wanted to learn about and take long walks and naps in the sun with my cats. Alas, th t option is not open to me.
Comments: Who are you, you freak? No, ha ha, just kidding. I know perfectly well who you are and you're terrific! I'm sorry it's taken me a couple days to get here. Let's see, what's my favorite part? I think right now it's Bono on the lily pad, just because I got to have a hand in helping to create that image. :) Thanks for letting me be part of your art. Anyway, toodaloo and all that, I'm off to go eat dinner. Perhaps I'll put some cheese on top of it. H marstokyo - 10/06/99 10:59:21 My Email:marstkyo@erols.comFavorite Cheese: laughing cow Occupation: watching TV
Comments: Thanks Margaret! Nice to have you drop in! Wendy!! My worst nightmare has come true-- to have been located by the RCHS Alumni committee. I shall have to apply for the witness protection program now, I suppose! regards to all the "Knights"! ugh Margaret - 10/06/99 03:27:58 My Email:ellequat@aol.comFavorite Cheese: Toe Cheese Occupation: Guts
Comments: This is still my favorite place on the www! continue the struggle! Wendy Weisler - 10/05/99 10:36:57 My
Comments: Sally:The RCHS Alumni Association Newsletter printed a note about your website mentioning several alumni so I decided to check it out. I don't think it's very funny what you said about me. And Rod doesn't think it's funny either. What's wrong with you any ay? We couldn't help it if we were popular. You were always the best artist in the class. Are you still drawing? I'm an attorney representing CILCO. Brianna - 10/03/99 05:49:52 My URL: My Email:banana_slug@hotmail.comFavorite Cheese: I am a vegan Occupation: Student / Poet
Comments: This page was quite enjoyable! Amazing, to say the least! mars tokyo - 10/03/99 00:01:05 My URL:http://right here My Email:marstkyo@erols.comFavorite Cheese: George W. Bush Occupation: other
Comments: Well, this is only the third guestbook I've had in a month, I think. Geocities/Yahoo has messed around and made it impossible!!! Now they say, they're going back to the old format-- but my old format is already deleted from my files. So I begin again. Ple se sign in. :-)