now for the rest of my extended family Here is a picture of my niece ,rebecca Noel Low and i, when she was about 3 months old
here is a pic the "threelows"
email them at (rebecca loves email) Click here and Mail them!
here is rebecca ( at 7 months ), her mommy and daddy, and a very good family friend, Roger
Here is a picture of my nieces Eliza and tova during my recent visit to boston
Another pic of Beth & Rebbeca
another pic of Jim & Rebecca
now for the updates everyone has been waiting for : the one and only rebbecca !!!!! here is one of the pictures from the fourth of july circa 1999
here is another one from july 4th
here is another one from the tortilla factory restaurant, ( which by the way has awesome southwestern style food located in herndon, va )
here is a picture of my nephew, simon joseph
here is a picture of my dog
here are more updates from my garden and the beach in Stone Harbor, NJ
here is the corn picture from less than a month later
here is the final product... which was delicious
here is some pictures from my recent vacation in stone harbor, nj
This is my mom at her surprise b-day party
i finally got some more stone harbor pictures so here goes, this is a picture taken from my helicopter ride