The Eldarænth Archive

As of July, 2002, the third phase of the game of Eldarænth--the previous two having been the "Swordtag," phase of 1991-94 and the "ARO/ARC" phase of 1996-98--finally collapsed under the strains of mismanagement and divergent opinions on the direction of the game as a whole. The net result has been, so far, the splintering of the players into four distinct games of their own, and I will attempt to place links to their websites--assuming they even setup websites--as soon as that information is made known to me.

Another side effect of this dissolution was the sudden removal of the Eldarænth website without allowing certain creative parties the opportunity to either recieve or even request copies for their own use. A few days after that, the messageboard index was also removed--thus providing a great inconvenience to those players who were still attempting to use them. Dragon's Ridge, a group located in the Yakima, Washington area, was one of the cells most directly affected by this whole turn of events.

Because of this, I have chosen to make a minor alteration in this site, at least, having been the host to the first Eldarænth site back in April 1997, and I will provide links to those messageboards here so that the people who still need them can continue to use them. As they were not hosted on the same server as the rest of the Eldarænth site, their removal would be an act of unmitigated immaturity and spite. However, since i do not have the passwords or access to these boards, I can offer no guarantees that they will be here tomorrow.

I present to you know i list of links which should leead to the respective areas of this and the other sites, as well as some contact information for the individual splinter groups.

Archived Websites and Messageboards:

1) Click here to view the original Eldarænth website, coded by yours truly (mostly) in notepad back in 1996.
2) Click here to access the message board index as well as post on said boards. Unfortunately the gripeboard and magfic board were on an entirely different server, and I have no idea how to track that link down.
3) If you happen to be curious as to the current state of Dolf's own domain, click here to see the message left behind.

Contact Information (per game):

1) Conquest - Formerly Eldarænth, Misted Hills Chapter.
--Chris Keller
--Daniel Woodmansee
--Josh Brotherton

2) Eldarænth: Dragon's Ridge - an Eldarænth cell operating in the Yakima, Washington area.
--Scott Stearley

3) Eldarænth: Falstaff - another cell operating in the Jeff City, Missouri area, which is also planning on crossing over to Conquest.
--Bill Kellum

4) Eldarænth: Rómen - A system developed independently by William and Kiel Moore from earlier versions of the game.
--William Moore
--Kiel Moore

There is also a fifth group operating which was once the Havenswoode shire of Midnight Keep. I have no contact information for them yet. As far as the accuracy and dependability of this information goes, I make no guarantees.

Archived Resources:

1) The ancient as dirt Eldarænth "ßeta book," from 1996.
2) An onsite copy of the Eldarænth online rules which were half-finished across the summer of 2001.
3) The original Wailer's Rule Pamphlet dating back to 1992. Four pages of caffiene induced strangeness.

Water lilies in your bathtub,
M. Cornelis van der Weele IV